This repository contains some python shell scripts to help process sentinel-1 SAR images with GAMMA remote sensing software. is a shell script that takes two sentinel-1 raw data directories and processes them for surface displacement
usage: [-h] [-s S] [-e E] [--m_name M_NAME] [--s_name S_NAME] [--pol POL] [--r_looks R_LOOKS] [--a_looks A_LOOKS] [--cc CC] [--clean CLEAN] [--orbit_files ORBIT_FILES] master slave
This program process 2-pass sentinel interferogram from raw data to unwrapped phase
positional arguments:
master Master sentinel SAR image data base dir path
slave Slave sentinel SAR image data base dir path
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s S start processing at one of -- Setupprocdir','Import_SLCs','Download_DEM','Import_DEM','getWidth','D
-e E end processing at one of -s following process
--m_name M_NAME name of master file, if not spesipy taken to by master dir name
--s_name S_NAME name of slave file, if not spesipy taken to by slave dir name
--pol POL SLC polarization to extract (hh,hv,vh,vv) default vv
--r_looks R_LOOKS number of range looks default: 20
--a_looks A_LOOKS number of azimuth looks default: 4
--cc CC unwraping coherince threshold default: 0.2
--clean CLEAN delete all but output files defualt: false
--orbit_files ORBIT_FILES
path to orbit files directory, if not specified assume there is a directory named 'orbit_files' in
the working direcory is a shell script that extracts 27 or 28 kml files where each one of the kml files contains the extant of one burst of the sentinel-1 image.
usage: [-h] [-c C] path name
This program generates bursts kml from sentinel raw dir
positional arguments:
path path to sentinel raw dir
name image name
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c C color for polygon lines one of [r:red, b:blue, g:green, y:yellow], defualt red