A PHP class to construct Content Security Policy Level 2 headers
Example for setting the Content Security Policy header:
$oPolicy = new \Y\inc\csp();
//set the default-src directive to 'none'
$oPolicy->addSource(\Y\inc\csp::DIRECTIVE_DEFAULT_SRC, \Y\inc\csp::TOKEN_NONE);
//set multiple directives to 'self'
$oPolicy->addSource([\Y\inc\csp::DIRECTIVE_SCRIPT_SRC, \Y\inc\csp::DIRECTIVE_STYLE_SRC], 'self');
//set the img-src directive to multiple sources
$oPolicy->addSource(\Y\inc\csp::DIRECTIVE_IMG_SRC, 'self', 'data:', 'https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/');
//use a auto generated nonce, and add the nonce to a script tag
printf('<script nonce="%s" src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.5.1.min.js"></script>', $oPolicy->nonce());
//use a hash
$sScript = "alert('Hello, world.');";
$oPolicy->addHash(\Y\inc\csp::DIRECTIVE_SCRIPT_SRC, $sScript);
$sHash = 'ZosEbRLbNQzLpnKIkEdrPv7lOy9C27hHQ+Xp8a4MxAQ=';
$oPolicy->addHash(\Y\inc\csp::DIRECTIVE_SCRIPT_SRC, $sHash);
//block all mixed content
//set theCSP headers
//tell the browser where to send the report with violations
}catch(\Y\inc\cspexceeption $e){
Example for storing violation report:
$sFilename = 'csp-report-' . date('Ymd-His') . '.json';