accelerated-smooth-scroll Public
Vim plugin for accelerated smooth scroll
zsh-python-prompt Public
Display pyhton version and virtualenv(i.e. pyenv) name in zsh prompt.
git-check Public
Check git status and check if git remote repositories is updated
charcode-display Public
Atom Package: Display the code of the character under the current cursor position in the status bar.
zsh-vcs-prompt Public
This scripts is customizable vcs (git/svn/hg) info for zsh prompt.
vimmers-follow-status Public
Chrome extension "Vimmers follow status"
atnd-hatena-bookmarks Public
ATND Advent Calendar にはてなブックマーク数を表示する
git-edit Public
Git subcommand to edit modified and untracked files with zsh completion.
landscape.vim Public
Forked from itchyny/landscape.vimA colorscheme and syntax for Vim
Vim Script UpdatedJun 26, 2013 -
Smooth-Scroll Public
Forked from vim-scripts/Smooth-ScrollSmooths scrolls the window for various key mappings
Vim Script UpdatedMay 3, 2013 -
number-marks Public
Forked from vim-scripts/number-marksshowing marks using number array in color, easy to trace.
Vim Script UpdatedMar 18, 2013 -
quickfixstatus Public
Forked from dannyob/quickfixstatusSee quickfix, location list and Syntastic lists errors and warnings as you move through a vim file.
Vim Script UpdatedMar 6, 2013 -
run-script Public
Run the specified script preventing running of duplicate the scripts.
zaw-src-git-show-branch Public
zaw source to get commit IDs from git show-branch
python-daemon Public
Forked from dimier/python-daemonPython daemonizer for Unix, Linux and OS X
Python UpdatedJan 20, 2013 -
pythonbrew Public
Forked from utahta/pythonbrewPython Environment manager
Python UpdatedJan 20, 2013 -