The repository will create a null resource by using a different terraform backend
This code is meant to be used as an example.
It can use the state of another terraform workspace and use it for its own perpose.
By using data "terraform_remote_state" "random_pet"
we can take the information of the other workspace' state and use it in this code with ${data.terraform_remote_state.random_pet.outputs.pet_name}
You can find the code for the other workspace here.
This code can give you an example of how to use the information in one workspace state in another. It will provide you with a hands on experience on using this technique
You need to have a working account in terraform cloud
Fork these two repositories
Create two workspaces in terraform cloud connecting the two corresponding repos from your own VCS.
- more information on how to created and manage workspaces here
- you have to change part of the code in null-remote-pet, here is an example:
data "terraform_remote_state" "random_pet" { backend = "remote" config = { organization = "*YOUR ORGANIZATION*" workspaces = { name = "*YOUR WORKSPACE" } } }
After this is set up, in the random_pet workspace queue plan will create a plan of action.
Confirm and apply to get the random_pet id information.
Now go the the null-remote-pet workspace and perform the same steps. You will notice that the random_pet name used in the local-exec command will be the same as the randomly generated one in the previous workspace. This is because of the
data "terraform_remote_state" "random_pet"
block where the state of the first workspace is called in the second one.