az0422 / customizedYOLO
Forked from ultralytics/ultralyticsLightweight YOLOv8 Projetects
Hypervisor based anti anti debug plugin for x64dbg
PyTorch implementation of a collections of scalable Video Transformer Benchmarks.
一个window下免费开源带UI编辑器的且可像MFC一样自动生成窗体类、控件变量、消息映射的UI库。 A window free open source with UI editor and can automatically generate form classes, control variables, message mapping UI library like MFC
Windows IME-based DLL injection. Able to inject a DLL without OpenProcess or a process handle being necessary..
[POC Detected]Bypass BE Anti Dll Injection (POC/Need Driver)
MediaMetadataRetriever Wrapper. use MediaCodec + ImageReader
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