MAFIA is developed for supporting multiple applications execution on GPUs. This framework is implemented by extending v3.2 GPGPU-Sim simulator from UBC. Currently, it supports 25 benchmarks from various benchmark suites (e.g., CUDA, Parboil, SHOC and Rodinia). From these benchmarks, one can construct 300 2-application workloads and 2300 3-application workloads.
If you use or build on this framework, please cite:
Adwait Jog, Onur Kayiran, Tuba Kesten, Ashutosh Pattnaik, Evgeny Bolotin, Niladrish Chatterjee, Stephen W. Keckler, Mahmut T. Kandemir, Chita R. Das, Anatomy of GPU Memory System for Multi-Application Execution, In the Proceedings of 1st International Symposium on Memory Systems (MEMSYS), Washington, DC, Oct 2015
You need to first setup GPGPU-Sim before starting to play MAFIA :-). GPGPU-Sim can be found at Please use CUDA 4.0 and GCC version less than 4.5 (we used 4.4.6).
Pull the repo to your favorite folder
Change "GCC_VERSION ?=" to the one of yours in common/
Do a "make" in the GPGPU-Sim repo after setting appropriate enviornment variables.
Execute ./ in the pthread_benchmark folder.
If all above commands are successful, the framework is ready to use.
You can see the available benchmarks in MAFIABENCHMARKS file.
Make sure you have the following three files located in your benchmark folder.
gpgpusim.config , gpuwattch_gtx480.xml, config_fermi_islip.icnt
Our framework has 4 modes:
Single application with entire system : Executes single application by using entire SMs
Single application: Executes single application based on number of allocated SMs
2-application : Executes 2 application together
3-application : Executes 3 application together
To run framework with one these modes, modify/add gpgpusim.config.
-gpgpu_n_clusters : indicates the number of SMs in the system.For 3-application mode, make sure that you choose a SMs number divisible by 3.
-gpgpu_sms_app1 : indicates the number of SMs assigned to first application.
-gpgpu_mode3 : indicates whether 3-application mode enabled or not.
-gpu_app : indicates whether 2-application mode enabled or not.
2 application execution with even SM partitioning (15-15)
-gpgpu_n_clusters 30
-gpgpu_sms_app1 15
-gpgpu_mode3 0
-gpu_app 1
2 application execution (12-24)
-gpgpu_n_clusters 36
-gpgpu_sms_app1 12
-gpgpu_mode3 0
-gpu_app 1
3 application execution(10-10-10)
-gpgpu_n_clusters 30
-gpgpu_sms_app1 15
-gpgpu_mode3 1
-gpu_app 1
single application execution (10)
-gpgpu_n_clusters 30
-gpgpu_sms_app1 10
-gpgpu_mode3 0
-gpu_app 0
If you modify the number of SMs, make sure you configure the interconnection network parameters accordingly in ‘config_fermi_islip.icnt’
- After compilation, the executable file called ‘gpgpu_ptx_sim__mergedapps’ will be generated. To run, the following command will work: ./gpgpu_ptx_sim__mergedapps <mode_name>
Single application with entire system : -sing0
Single application: -sing
2-application : -apps
3-application : -apps3
Here some examples how to run benchmarks from our framework. BLK stands for Blackscholes benchmark, SCP stands for Scalar product benchmark and HISTO stands for Histogram benchmark.
Single application
./gpgpu_ptx_sim__mergedapps -sing BLK
Single application with entire system
./gpgpu_ptx_sim__mergedapps -sing0 BLK
./gpgpu_ptx_sim__mergedapps -apps BLK SCP
./gpgpu_ptx_sim__mergedapps -apps3 BLK SCP HISTO
Our framework generates 3 output file (Stream1.txt, Stream2.txt and Stream3.txt) which represents the maximum number of benchmarks can be executed. Output files can be matched based on the argument order. For instance,
./gpgpu_ptx_sim__mergedapps -apps BLK SCP
Stream1.txt -> Output for BLK Stream2.txt -> Output for SCP Stream3.txt -> Empty
Note: In single application mode, you should use the console output of MAFIA. You can re-direct the console output to a file.