This is the ROS nodelet package for wit motion company imu and gps sensor. Providing driver, ros driver and nodelet intergrating program.
- ros--ecl
Install ecl by
sudo apt install ros-<distro>-ecl
Launch the only ROS launch file:
roslaunch wit_node wit.launch
About parameter:
This is the port that device name in Linux system, for example the default port name is "/dev/ttyUSB0"
Header header
float64 time
float64[] acc
float64[] gyro
float64[] rpy
float64[] mag
uint16[] ps #port state
float64 temperature
float64 altitude
float64 ap #atmosphere pressure
float64 latitude
float64 longtitude
float64 gpsh #gps height
float64 gpsy #gps yaw
float64 gpsv #gps velocity
float64[] quarternion
uint8 sn #satelites number
float64[] dop
The standard ROS imu sensor msg which include orientation by filtered RPY.
The standard ROS gps or navigation satellites msg.
All raw data provided by the wit device, including nine axises data, atmosphere pressure, temperature, latitude,longitude, altitude, satellites number .etc
The offseted imu yaw data, which means the zero direction is start direction.
Reset the offset yaw angle to current yaw, so the zero direction is turned to current direction.