[SIGGRAPH 2024] Mob-FGSR: Frame Generation and Super Resolution for Mobile Real-Time Rendering
SPIRV-Reflect is a lightweight library that provides a C/C++ reflection API for SPIR-V shader bytecode in Vulkan applications.
This repository contains a Vulkan Framework designed to enable developers to get up and running quickly for creating sample content and rapid prototyping. It is designed to be easy to build and hav…
One stop shop for getting started with SPIR-V.
Vulkan Validation Layers (VVL)
这是Unity Android APP il2cpp热更完美解决方案的Demo。更新build_demo_apk里的Unity路径,执行即可一键重build Patch和apk。因为文件libunity是没有热更的,如unity版本有变化则热更不适用。
Genshin Impact & HKSR Fps Unlock 原神崩铁帧率解锁
The Ultimate Solution for Cinematic Toon Rendering in UE5
High-Performance Cross-Platform Monte Carlo Renderer Based on LuisaCompute
High-Performance Rendering Framework on Stream Architectures
A very simple toon lit shader example, for you to learn writing custom lit shader in Unity URP
KlayGE is a cross-platform open source game engine with plugin-based architecture.
A conformant OpenGL ES implementation for Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS and Android.
A minimal GPU design in Verilog to learn how GPUs work from the ground up吴恩达老师的深度学习课程笔记及资源)
A curated list of awesome Deep Learning tutorials, projects and communities.
Efficient Distributed GPU Programming for Exascale, an SC/ISC Tutorial