HABmin - a graphical user interface for openHAB 2
Open-source keyboard firmware for Atmel AVR and Arm USB families
Ultra-lightweight literate programming for clojure inspired by docco
Clojure DXF library, based off Stani's Python DXF library
Clojure Copter - Control for the AR Parrot Drone
ypsilon-takai / docs
Forked from mongodb/docsThe MongoDB Documentation Project Source.
ypsilon-takai / neko
Forked from sattvik/nekoThe Clojure/Android Toolkit
An extensible authentication and authorization library for Clojure Ring web applications and services.
Jekyll inspired static site generator in Clojure
Web app test with clojure, compojure and so on.
Seesaw turns the Horror of Swing into a friendly, well-documented, Clojure library