Support for mapping between file extensions and MIME types. This module uses the latest version of the Apache "mime.types" file (maps over 620 types to 800+ extensions). It is also trivially easy to add your own types and extensions, should you need to do that.
Install with npm:
npm install mime
Get the mime type associated with a file. This is method is case-insensitive. Everything in path up to and including the last '/' or '.' is ignored, so you can pass it paths, filenames, or extensions, like so:
var mime = require('mime');
mime.lookup('/path/to/file.txt'); // => 'text/plain'
mime.lookup('file.txt'); // => 'text/plain'
mime.lookup('.txt'); // => 'text/plain'
mime.lookup('htm'); // => 'text/html'
mime.extension('text/html'); // => 'html'
mime.extension('application/octet-stream'); // => 'bin'
mime.charsets.lookup('text/plain'); // => 'UTF-8'
(The logic for charset lookups is pretty rudimentary. Feel free to suggest improvements.)
The following APIs allow you to add your own type mappings within your project. If you feel a type should be included as part of node-mime, see requesting new types.
'text/x-some-format': ['x-sf', 'x-sft', 'x-sfml'],
'application/x-my-type': ['x-mt', 'x-mtt'],
// etc ...
mime.lookup('x-sft'); // => 'text/x-some-format'
mime.extension('text/x-some-format'); // => 'x-sf'