Juno is a basic animation library in c++ based on Webs Animations
.spinner {
animation-duration : 5s;
animation-delay : 2s;
animation-iteration-count : 2;
animation-direction : reverse;
animation-fill-mode : backwards
@keyframes spinner {
from {
transform: rotate(0);
to {
transform: rotate(360);
#include <juno.h>
using namespace juno;
int main()
double duration = 5000;
double delay = 2000;
double iteration_count = 2;
Direction direction = Direction::Reverse;
FillMode fill_mode = FillMode::Backwards;
Transform from = Transform::rotated(0);
Transform to = Transform::rotated(360);
Animation spinner(duration, delay, iteration_count, direction, fill_mode);
AnimateTransform transform(from, to);
Transform value = transform.valueAt(spinner.progress());
// do something useful with the value
return 0;