Build a full scale Sinatra application that uses:
- A sqlite database
- ActiveRecord
- RESTful routes
- Sessions
- Login/Logout
The goal of this project is to build a web app that allows book club members to keep a record of reading logs that include book title, book summary, analysis, and discussion questions.
We will have multiple objects that interact in this web app, including separate classes for book clubs, users(book club memebers), book club meetings, and users' reading logs.
Users will be able to sign up, log in, and log out. A user must have a unique username to sign up. A user should not be able to take any actions (except sign-up), unless they are logged in.
Once a user is logged in, they should be able to create, read, update and delete their own logs, as well as view all the literature logs. Users can only edit and delete their own reading logs - not logs created by other users.
This project is supported by Bundler and includes a Gemfile
Run bundle install to get started on this project.
There are five models in app/models
directory: User
model, Log
model, BookClub
model, Meeting
model, and UserMeeting
model. All classes inherit from ActiveRecord::Base
A book club has many users(members). A user belongs to ONE book club. A book club has many meetings. A meeting belongs to ONE book club. A user has many literature logs. A log belongs to ONE user. A meeting has many users, A users goes to many meetings. User_meetings is the joint table that keep the records of which user goes to which meeting.
model is in a has_many
relationship with Log
model is in a belongs_to
relationship with BookClub
model is in a many_to_many
relationship with Meeting
model is in a belongs_to
relationship with BookClub
We will create a few helper methods current_user
and logged_in?
. We
want to use these helper methods to block content if a user is not logged in.
It's especially important that a user should not be able to edit or delete the logs created by a different user. A user can only modify their own literature logs.