Technical college
- Tokyo
(UTC +09:00) - @yuu1111main
- Pro
KonomiTV: Kept Organized, Notably Optimized, Modern Interface TV media server
A plugin that synchronizes cursor positions between VSCode and JetBrains IDEs.
Koin - a pragmatic lightweight dependency injection framework for Kotlin & Kotlin Multiplatform
🌄 Kotlin Multiplatform library for Compose Multiplatform, designed for seamless integration of an image picker feature in iOS and Android applications.
📺 Visual Editor & GraphQL IDE.
💉 Mineject - Dependency Injection Framework for platforms such as Spigot, BungeeCord, etc.
Make JVM Android integration test visible 🤖📸
Kotlin Compiler Plugin to make your program back-in-time debuggable.
A simple defensive library to encode/decode URL components.
Resources access for mobile (android & ios) Kotlin Multiplatform development
BuildConfig for Kotlin Multiplatform Project
Kotlin multi platform project template and sample app with everything shared except the UI. Built with clean architecture + MVI
An unofficial Google Nearby Share/Quick Share app for macOS
SSJetPackComposeProgressButton is an elegant button with a different loading animations. 🚀
Java implementation of TikTok-Live-Connector library. Receive live stream events (comments, gifts, etc.) in realtime from TikTok LIVE.
Model-View-ViewModel architecture components for mobile (android & ios) Kotlin Multiplatform development
Kotlin Multiplatform sample with SwiftUI, Jetpack Compose, Compose for Wear, Compose for Desktop, and Compose for Web clients along with Ktor backend.
GitHub API を利用して GitHub のリポジトリを検索するアプリです。株式会社ゆめみのFlutterエンジニアコードチェックの要件を満たすよう実装しています。
🔥 Yet another Tinder like swipeable cards, built for Jetpack Compose
Groupie helps you display and manage complex RecyclerView layouts.
command framework and argument parser for spigot plugins
Gradle plugin for updating a project version catalog