This repository contains materials used as part of the course 02502 Image Analysis, at DTU in Spring 2023. It features the code I prepared for exercises and exams.
The official repository for the course can be found here.
- 1 - Introduction to image analysis in Python
- 1b - An introduction to principal component analysis (PCA)
- 2 - Cameras and Lenses
- 2b - Change Detection in Videos
- 3 - Pixelwise operations
- 4 - Image Filtering
- 4b - Image Morphology
- 5 - BLOB Analysis / Connected component analysis and object classification
- 6 - Pixel classification and object segmentation
- 6b - Advanced Pixel Classification
- 7 - Geometric transformations and landmark based registration
- 8 - Cats, cats, and EigenCats
- 9 - Advanced Image Registration