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A Swift implementation of ARC-0052 Algorand, in accordance with the paper BIP32-Ed25519 Hierarchical Deterministic Keys over a Non-linear Keyspace.

Note that this library has NOT undergone audit and is NOT recommended for production use.

Git Hooks

This repo comes with git hooks.

Copy the hooks under git-hooks into the .git/hooks/ directory:

cp git-hooks/* .git/hooks/

How to Use

To initialize a wallet (using MnemmonicSwift for BIP-39 support) from a seed phrase:

import bip32_ed25519_swift
import MnemonicSwift
let seed = try Mnemonic.deterministicSeedString(from: "salon zoo engage submit smile frost later decide wing sight chaos renew lizard rely canal coral scene hobby scare step bus leaf tobacco slice")
let c = Bip32Ed25519(seed: seed)

Now you can generate keys using a BIP-44 derivation path:

let pk = c.keyGen(context: KeyContext.Address, account: 0, change: 0, keyIndex: 0)

To sign an Algorand transaction, you can use the signAlgoTransaction.

let prefixEncodedTx = Data(base64Encoded: "VFiJo2FtdM0D6KNmZWXNA+iiZnbOAkeSd6NnZW6sdGVzdG5ldC12MS4womdoxCBIY7UYpLPITsgQ8i1PEIHLD3HwWaesIN7GL39w5Qk6IqJsds4CR5Zfo3JjdsQgYv6DK3rRBUS+gzemcENeUGSuSmbne9eJCXZbRrV2pvOjc25kxCBi/oMretEFRL6DN6ZwQ15QZK5KZud714kJdltGtXam86R0eXBlo3BheQ==")
let sig = c.signAlgoTransaction(context: KeyContext.Address, account: 0, change: 0, keyIndex: 0, prefixEncodedTx: prefixEncodedTx)

Where prefixEncodedTx is a transaction that has been compiled with the SDK's transaction builder. The signature returned can be verified against the public key:

let pk = c.keyGen(context: KeyContext.Address, account: 0, change: 0, keyIndex: 0)
let result = c.verifyWithPublicKey(signature: sig, message: prefixEncodedTx, publicKey: pk)

It is also possible to sign arbitrary data. You need to specify a JSON scehma and encoding type (none, base64, msgpack).

For example (with schema under "schemas/auth.request.json" in the Tests folder):

let schema = Schema("auth.request.json")
let challengeJSON = """
        "0": 28, "1": 103, "2": 26, "3": 222, "4": 7, "5": 86, "6": 55, "7": 95,
        "8": 197, "9": 179, "10": 249, "11": 252, "12": 232, "13": 252, "14": 176,
        "15": 39, "16": 112, "17": 131, "18": 52, "19": 63, "20": 212, "21": 58,
        "22": 226, "23": 89, "24": 64, "25": 94, "26": 23, "27": 91, "28": 128,
        "29": 143, "30": 123, "31": 27
let sig = c.signData(context: KeyContext.Address, account: 0, change: 0, keyIndex: 0, data: data, metadata: SignMetadata(encoding: Encoding.none, schema: schema))
let result = c.verifyWithPublicKey(signature: sig, message: Data(challengeJSON.utf8), publicKey: pk)

or using base64:

let sig = c.signData(context: KeyContext.Address, account: 0, change: 0, keyIndex: 0, data: data: Data(challengeJSONB64.utf8), metadata: SignMetadata(encoding: Encoding.base64, schema: schema))
let result = c.verifyWithPublicKey(signature: sig, message: Data(challengeJSONB64.utf8), publicKey: pk)

You can generate a shared secret with someone using ECDH. They will need to provide you with their Ed25519 public key, as provided by keyGen. You will also need to agree on an "order" of whose public key will be concatenated first and whose second.

let sharedSecret = c.ECDH(context: KeyContext.Identity, account: 0, change: 0, keyIndex: 0, otherPartyPub: otherPubKey, meFirst: true)

Note that under the hood the sharedSecret is calculated using x25519 form.

Deriving Child Public Keys

You can also utilize deriveKey to derive extended public keys by setting isPrivate: false, thus allowing deriveChildNodePublic to softly derive N descendant public keys / addresses using a single extended key / root. A typical use case is for producing one-time addresses, either to calculate for yourself in an insecure environment, or to calculate someone else's one time addresses.


We distinguish between our 32 byte public key (pk) and the 64 byte extended public key (xpk) where xpk is used to derive child nodes in deriveChildNodePublic and deriveChildNodePrivate. The xpk is a concatenation of the pk and the 32 byte chaincode which serves as a key for the HMAC functions.

xpk should be kept secret unless you want to allow someone else to derive descendant keys.

Child public key derivation is relevant at the unhardened levels, e.g. in BIP44 get it at the account level and then derive publicly for change and keyindex.

let bip44Path: [UInt32] = [c.harden(44), c.harden(283), c.harden(0), 0]

let walletRoot = c.deriveKey(
    rootKey: c.fromSeed(data),
    bip44Path: bip44Path,
    isPrivate: false,
    derivationType: BIP32DerivationType.Peikert

The output of deriveKey is an xpk at the change-level (m / 44' / 283' / 0' / 0) which can be shared. A counter party can then do the following

let derivedKey = try c.deriveChildNodePublic(extendedKey: walletRoot, index: UInt32(i), g: BIP32DerivationType.Peikert)

and derive the descendant child pk/address at the index specified.

Formatting and Linting

This repo comes with both Swiftformat and SwiftLint.

SwiftLint comes with its own SwiftLintBuildToolPlugin and is such run as part of any normal swift build call.

SwiftFormat is run as part of the pre-commit hook, and can otherwise be called from the command line with swift package plugin --allow-writing-to-package-directory swiftformat .. As this also triggers a swift build, SwiftLint gets run as well.

The two do overlap but, generally speaking, SwiftFormat formats the code while SwiftLint warns or errors out on code-smells.


The Package.swift file specifies the minimum version of Swift required to build this library, as well as the minimum versions of the platforms. .swift-version also specifies the version for linting.


Copyright 2024 Algorand Foundation

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


Swift implementation of BIP32 Ed25519







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  • Swift 99.9%
  • Shell 0.1%