Introduction to Double Circular Linked List
Create a music player application to implement the double circular linked list data structure
##library integration
- on Code::Blocks, go into menu project->Build Option
- go to Linker Settings tab
- click Add to add new lib function
- type winmm
- click OK
##list.h modify the elemenList and List structure to implement Double Circular linked list
##list.cpp modify each function to fit the data structure
- createList
- alokasi
- insertFirst, insertLast, insertAfter
- deleteFirst, deleteLast, deleteAfter to implement Double Circular Linked List mechanism
##player.cpp create function according to the header defined in player.h
- function to play the previous song on the list
void playPrev(address &P);
- function to shuffle the song list
void shuffleList(List &);
- function to sort the song list by some condition
void sortList(List &, int condition);
// example: if condition = 1, then sort by ID
// if condition = 2, then sort by name
- function to play the song list from the first song and repeat the list n times
void playRepeat(List &, int n);
##main.cpp modify the main prorgam, add these menus into the main program
- menu to search song by name and play it
( you can create a new function to search or modify the findElm function ) - menu play the previous song on the list
- menu play again this song (the last played song)
- menu shuffle the song list
- menu sort the song list
- menu play repeat all songs