This repository describes how to run a pySCENIC gene regulatory network inference analysis alongside a basic "best practices" expression analysis for single-cell data. This includes:
- Standalone Jupyter notebooks for an interactive analysis
- A Nextflow DSL1 workflow, which provides a semi-automated and streamlined method for running these steps
- Details on pySCENIC installation, usage, and downstream analysis
For an advanced implementation of the steps in this protocol, see VSN Pipelines, a Nextflow DSL2 implementation of pySCENIC with comprehensive and customizable pipelines for expression analysis. This includes additional pySCENIC features (multi-runs, integrated motif- and track-based regulon pruning, loom file generation).
- Quick start
- Requirements
- Installation
- Case studies
- PBMC 10k dataset (10x Genomics)
- Full SCENIC analysis, plus filtering, clustering, visualization, and SCope-ready loom file creation:
- Extended analysis post-SCENIC:
- To run the same dataset through the VSN Pipelines DSL2 workflow, see this tutorial.
- Cancer data sets
- Mouse brain data set
- PBMC 10k dataset (10x Genomics)
- References and more information
We recommend using this notebook as a template for running an interactive analysis in Jupyter. See the installation instructions for information on setting up a kernel with pySCENIC and other required packages.
The following tools are required to run the steps in this Nextflow pipeline:
- Nextflow
- A container system, either of:
The following container images will be pulled by nextflow as needed:
- Docker: aertslab/pyscenic:latest.
- Singularity: aertslab/pySCENIC:latest.
- See also here.
A quick test can be accomplished using the test
profile, which automatically pulls the testing dataset (described in full below):
nextflow run aertslab/SCENICprotocol \
-profile docker,test
This small test dataset takes approximately 70s to run using 6 threads on a standard desktop computer.
Alternately, the same data can be run with a more verbose approach (this is more illustrative for how to substitute other data into the pipeline). Download a minimum set of SCENIC database files for a human dataset (approximately 78 MB).
mkdir example && cd example/
# Transcription factors:
# Motif to TF annotation database:
# Ranking databases:
# Finally, get a tiny sample expression matrix (loom format):
Either Docker or Singularity images can be used by specifying the appropriate profile (-profile docker
or -profile singularity
Please note that for the tiny test dataset to run successfully, the default thresholds need to be lowered.
nextflow run aertslab/SCENICprotocol \
-profile docker \
--loom_input expr_mat_tiny.loom \
--loom_output pyscenic_integrated-output.loom \
--TFs test_TFs_tiny.txt \
--motifs motifs.tbl \
--db *feather \
--thr_min_genes 1
By default, this pipeline uses the container specified by the --pyscenic_container
This is currently set to aertslab/pyscenic:0.9.19
, which uses a container with both pySCENIC and Scanpy 1.4.4.post1
A custom container can be used (e.g. one built on a local machine) by passing the name of this container to the --pyscenic_container
The output of this pipeline is a loom-formatted file (by default: output/pyscenic_integrated-output.loom
) containing:
- The original expression matrix
- The pySCENIC-specific results:
- Regulons (TFs and their target genes)
- AUCell matrix (cell enrichment scores for each regulon)
- Dimensionality reduction embeddings based on the AUCell matrix (t-SNE, UMAP)
- Results from the parallel best-practices analysis using highly variable genes:
- Dimensionality reduction embeddings (t-SNE, UMAP)
- Louvain clustering annotations
- Python version 3.6 or greater
- Tested on various Unix/Linux distributions (Ubuntu 18.04, CentOS 7.6.1810, MacOS 10.14.5)
- SCENIC (R) on GitHub
- SCENIC website
- SCENIC publication
- pySCENIC on GitHub
- pySCENIC documentation
- VSN Pipelines, a repository of pipelines for single-cell data in Nextflow DSL2, including an implementation of pySCENIC.