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- 👾 Projects Using Prisma
- Prisma 1
This is a collection of awesome resources about Prisma 😍
Prisma is an open-source ORM. It makes database access easy with type safety and an auto-generated query builder for TypeScript & Node.js.
- Prisma 2 Scratchpad
- nx-nest-graphql
- Pal.js - CLI to start Prisma and GraphQl projects with just 2 commands
- CRUD generator for nexus
- CRUD generator for graphql-modules
- CRUD generator for sdl-first approach
- Prisma Select - solution for N + 1 issue
- Prisma Delete - workaround missing cascade deletes function in prisma migration
- Prisma schema - convert schema.prisma file to javascript object or from Snake case to Camel case
- Prisma admin React component
- Prisma plugin for the IntelliJ Platform
- Gatsby with prisma-client
- Testing Prisma with PostgreSQL and Jest
- Documentation Generator
- Schematics to add Prisma support to a NestJS application
- Prisma Schema SDL
- Multi-tenancy with Prisma
- Starter Template for NestJS and Prisma
- prisma-relay-cursor-connection
- Caching Prisma
- prettier-plugin-prisma
- prisma-sequelize-generator
- Prisma Schema Sorter - sort schema models, enums, generators and datasources
- Declarative Authorisation Middleware
- NestJS and Prisma Yarn Monorepo Starter Template
- Prisma Redis Middleware - cache queries in Redis
- Prisma Yup Generator - Prisma 2+ generator to emit Yup schemas from your Prisma schema
- Schemix - Generate Prisma Schemas with TypeScript
- Prisma ERD Visualizer
- prisma-uml
- DBML Generator
- Prisma ERD Generator
- Prismaliser - Visualise your Prisma schema models and relations
- Archibase - Collaborative schema editor based on Prisma SDL
- Get started with Prisma v2. Prisma Client
- An Introduction to Prisma 2
- Static Sites with Next.js 9.3 and Prisma
- Using Prisma with GraphQL Codegen
- Using Prisma in Azure Functions
- Building a sane Docker image for Typescript, Yarn Workspaces and Prisma 2
- Building a Backend for React with Next.js, Prisma 2, and PostgreSQL
- Build A Pet Management System With Remix, Prisma, and Postgres
Tutorials with Nexus
- Complete Introduction to Fullstack, Type-Safe GraphQL (feat. Next.js, Nexus, Prisma)
- Improve Your GraphQL performance with Prisma
- Let's take Prisma 2 for a test drive on AWS Lambda with GraphQL
Tutorials with NestJS
- Calendso
- Tottem
- Tomorrow
- Predict Covid
- NestJS Crud Prisma - Crud for restful api's built with NestJS and Prisma (uses NestJSX CRUD)
- tRPC Prisma Starter - Starter project with Prisma + Next.js + CI + testing + E2E type-safety using tRPC
- prisma-next-auth-graphql-starter - Fullstack starter with Prisma, next-auth, next.js, tailwindcss and graphql-shield
- Wasp Wasp is a declarative domain-specific language for developing, building, and deploying modern Javascript full-stack web apps with less code.
- Neighborhood Pet Manager
This is the second iteration of the awesome Prisma and focuses on Prisma 2. Check out the Awesome Prisma 1 list
Contributions welcome! Read the contribution guidelines first.
To the extent possible under law, Catalin Miron has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.