Your self-hosted, globally interconnected microblogging community
Project to allow storing and disdplaying open legislation
Multi-Dimensional charting built to work natively with crossfilter rendered with d3.js
A micro framework that allows you to write and deploy custom applications to the Mazda Infotainment System
BG05SFOP001-2.001-0001 „Подобряване на процесите, свързани с предоставянето, достъпа и повторното използване на информацията от обществения сектор; Licensed under the LGPL
Проект BG05SFOP001-2.001-0001 „Подобряване на процесите, свързани с предоставянето, достъпа и повторното използване на информацията от обществения сектор“; Licensed under the EUPL
A FIX standard for binary message encoding
Ultra Low Latency Trading Framework (Fix Engine, OMS, FastFix, ETI, Algo Container)
governmentbg / data-viz
Forked from pdpetrov/data-vizOpen data visualizations
Opendata export script for the commercial register of Bulgaria
Leaflet TileLayer for GeoJSON tiles
Това хранилище е извадено от употреба. Актуално хранилище:
АИСКАО - Автоматизирана информационна система за комплексно административно обслужване
Tabula is a tool for liberating data tables trapped inside PDF files
Tools for editing Shapefile, GeoJSON, TopoJSON and CSV files
A Java HTTP client for consuming Twitter's realtime Streaming API
tweets about anonymous Wikipedia edits from particular IP address ranges used by Bulgarian Government
A tool to fetch election results from into a nice CSV.
An open source RESTful API platform for banks that supports Open Banking, XS2A, PSD2 and Open Finance through access to accounts, transactions, counterparties, payments, entitlements and metadata -…
Marker Clustering plugin for Leaflet