Imagor is a fast, Docker-ready image processing server written in Go.
Imagor uses one of the most efficient image processing library libvips. It is typically 4-8x faster than using the quickest ImageMagick and GraphicsMagick settings.
Imagor is a Go application that is highly optimized for concurrent requests. It is ready to be installed and used in any Unix environment, and ready to be containerized using Docker.
Imagor adopts the Thumbor URL syntax and covers most of the web image processing use cases. If these fit your requirements, Imagor would be a lightweight, high performance drop-in replacement.
docker run -p 8000:8000 shumc/imagor -imagor-unsafe
Original images:
Try out the following image URLs:
Imagor endpoint is a series of URL parts which defines the image operations, followed by the image URI:
is the URL Signature hash, orunsafe
if unsafe mode is usedtrim
removes surrounding space in images using top-left pixel colorAxB:CxD
means manually crop the image at left-top pointAxB
and right-bottom pointCxD
. Coordinates can also be provided as float values between 0 and 1 (percentage of image dimensions)fit-in
means that the generated image should not be auto-cropped and otherwise just fit in an imaginary box specified byExF
means resize the image toExF
without keeping its aspect ratios-Ex-F
means resize the image to beExF
of width per height size. The minus signs mean flip horizontally and verticallyGxH:IxJ
add left-top paddingGxH
and right-bottom paddingIxJ
is horizontal alignment of crop. Acceptsleft
, defaults tocenter
is vertical alignment of crop. Acceptstop
, defaults tomiddle
means using smart detection of focal pointsfilters
a pipeline of image filter operations to be applied, see filters sectionIMAGE
is the image URI
Imagor provides utilities for previewing and generating Imagor endpoint URI, including the imagorpath Go package and the /params
Prepending /params
to the existing endpoint returns the endpoint attributes in JSON form, useful for preview:
curl http://localhost:8000/params/g5bMqZvxaQK65qFPaP1qlJOTuLM=/fit-in/500x400/0x20/filters:fill(white)/
"path": "fit-in/500x400/0x20/filters:fill(white)/",
"image": "",
"hash": "g5bMqZvxaQK65qFPaP1qlJOTuLM=",
"fit_in": true,
"width": 500,
"height": 400,
"padding_top": 20,
"padding_bottom": 20,
"filters": [
"name": "fill",
"args": "white"
Filters /filters:NAME(ARGS):NAME(ARGS):.../
is a pipeline of image operations that will be sequentially applied to the image. Examples:
Imagor supports the following filters:
sets the background color of a transparent imagecolor
the color name or hexadecimal rgb expression without the “#” character
applies gaussian blur to the imagebrightness(amount)
increases or decreases the image brightnessamount
-100 to 100, the amount in % to increase or decrease the image brightness
increases or decreases the image contrastamount
-100 to 100, the amount in % to increase or decrease the image contrast
fill the missing area or transparent image with the specified color:color
- color name or hexadecimal rgb expression without the “#” character- If color is "blur" - missing parts are filled with blurred original image.
- If color is "auto" - the top left image pixel will be chosen as the filling color
specifies the output format of the imageformat
accepts jpeg, png, gif, webp, jp2, tiff
frames(n[, delay])
set the number of frames to repeat for animation with gif or webp. Otherwise, stack all the frames verticallyn
number of frames to repeatdelay
frames delay in milliseconds, default 100
changes the image to grayscalehue(angle)
increases or decreases the image hueangle
the angle in degree to increase or decrease the hue rotation
scales image to the proportion percentage of the image dimensionquality(amount)
changes the overall quality of the image, does nothing for pngamount
0 to 100, the quality level in %
amount of color in each of the rgb channels in %. Can range from -100 to 100rotate(angle)
rotates the given image according to the angle value passedangle
accepts 0, 90, 180, 270
round_corner(rx [, ry [, color]])
adds rounded corners to the image with the specified color as backgroundrx
amount of pixel to use as radius. ry = rx if ry is not providedcolor
the color name or hexadecimal rgb expression without the “#” character
increases or decreases the image saturationamount
-100 to 100, the amount in % to increase or decrease the image saturation
sharpens the imageupscale()
upscale the image iffit-in
is usedwatermark(image, x, y, alpha [, w_ratio [, h_ratio]])
adds a watermark to the image. It can be positioned inside the image with the alpha channel specified and optionally resized based on the image size by specifying the ratioimage
watermark image URI, using the same image loader configured for Imagorx
horizontal position that the watermark will be in:- Positive numbers indicate position from the left and negative numbers indicate position from the right.
- Number followed by a
e.g. 20p means calculating the value from the image width as percentage left
positioned left, right or centered respectivelyrepeat
the watermark will be repeated horizontally
vertical position that the watermark will be in:- Positive numbers indicate position from the top and negative numbers indicate position from the bottom.
- Number followed by a
e.g. 20p means calculating the value from the image height as percentage top
positioned top, bottom or centered respectivelyrepeat
the watermark will be repeated vertically
watermark image transparency, a number between 0 (fully opaque) and 100 (fully transparent).w_ratio
percentage of the width of the image the watermark should fit-inh_ratio
percentage of the height of the image the watermark should fit-in
Imagor Loader
, Storage
and Result Storage
are the building blocks for loading and saving images from various sources:
loads image. EnableLoader
where you wish to load images from, but without modifying it e.g. static directory.Storage
loads and saves image. This allows subsequent requests for the same image loads directly from the storage, instead of HTTP source.Result Storage
loads and saves the processed image. This allows subsequent request of the same parameters loads from the result storage, saving processing resources.
Imagor provides built-in adaptors that support HTTP(s), Proxy, File System, AWS S3 and Google Cloud Storage. By default, HTTP Loader
is used as fallback. You can choose to enable additional adaptors that fit your use cases.
Docker Compose example with file system, using mounted volume:
version: "3"
image: shumc/imagor:latest
- ./:/mnt/data
PORT: 8000
IMAGOR_UNSAFE: 1 # unsafe URL for testing
FILE_LOADER_BASE_DIR: /mnt/data # enable file loader by specifying base dir
FILE_STORAGE_BASE_DIR: /mnt/data # enable file storage by specifying base dir
FILE_RESULT_STORAGE_BASE_DIR: /mnt/data/result # enable file result storage by specifying base dir
- "8000:8000"
Docker Compose example with AWS S3. Also works with S3 compatible such as MinIO, DigitalOcean Space.
version: "3"
image: shumc/imagor:latest
PORT: 8000
IMAGOR_SECRET: mysecret # secret key for URL signature
S3_LOADER_BUCKET: mybucket # enable S3 loader by specifying bucket
S3_LOADER_BASE_DIR: images # optional
S3_STORAGE_BUCKET: mybucket # enable S3 storage by specifying bucket
S3_STORAGE_BASE_DIR: images # optional
S3_RESULT_STORAGE_BUCKET: mybucket # enable S3 result storage by specifying bucket
S3_RESULT_STORAGE_BASE_DIR: images/result # optional
S3_ENDPOINT: ... # optional - alternative endpoint for S3 compatible, such as MinIO
- "8000:8000"
Docker Compose example with Google Cloud Storage:
version: "3"
image: shumc/imagor:latest
- ./googlesecret:/etc/secrets/google
PORT: 8000
IMAGOR_SECRET: mysecret # secret key for URL signature
GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS: /etc/secrets/google/appcredentials.json # google cloud secrets file
GCLOUD_LOADER_BUCKET: mybucket # enable loader by specifying bucket
GCLOUD_LOADER_BASE_DIR: images # optional
GCLOUD_STORAGE_BUCKET: mybucket # enable storage by specifying bucket
GCLOUD_STORAGE_BASE_DIR: images # optional
GCLOUD_RESULT_STORAGE_BUCKET: mybucket # enable result storage by specifying bucket
GCLOUD_RESULT_STORAGE_BASE_DIR: images/result # optional
GCLOUD_RESULT_STORAGE_ACL: publicRead # optional - see
- "8000:8000"
In production environment, it is highly recommended turning off IMAGOR_UNSAFE
and setting up URL signature using IMAGOR_SECRET
, to prevent DDoS attacks that abuse multiple image operations.
The URL signature hash is based on SHA digest, created by taking the URL path (excluding /unsafe/
) with secret. The hash is then Base64 URL encoded.
An example in Node.js:
var hmacSHA1 = require("crypto-js/hmac-sha1")
var Base64 = require("crypto-js/enc-base64")
function sign(path, secret) {
var hash = hmacSHA1(path, secret)
hash = Base64.stringify(hash).replace(/\+/g, '-').replace(/\//g, '_')
return hash + '/' + path
console.log(sign('500x500/top/', 'mysecret'))
// cST4Ko5_FqwT3BDn-Wf4gO3RFSk=/500x500/top/
Imagor supports command-line arguments, see available options imagor -h
. You may check main.go for better understanding the initialization sequences.
Imagor also supports environment variables or .env
file for the arguments equivalent in capitalized snake case. For instances -imagor-secret
would become IMAGOR_SECRET
# both are equivalent
imagor -debug -imagor-secret 1234
Available options:
imagor -h
Usage of imagor:
Debug mode
-port int
Sever port (default 8000)
Imagor version
-imagor-secret string
Secret key for signing Imagor URL
Unsafe Imagor that does not require URL signature. Prone to URL tampering
-imagor-cache-header-ttl duration
Imagor HTTP cache header ttl for successful image response. Set -1 for no-cache (default 24h0m0s)
-imagor-request-timeout duration
Timeout for performing Imagor request (default 30s)
-imagor-load-timeout duration
Timeout for Imagor Loader request, should be smaller than imagor-request-timeout (default 20s)
-imagor-save-timeout duration
Timeout for saving image to Imagor Storage (default 20s)
-imagor-process-timeout duration
Timeout for image processing (default 20s)
-imagor-process-concurrency int
Imagor semaphore size for process concurrency control. Set -1 for no limit (default -1)
-server-address string
Server address
Enable CORS
Enable strip query string redirection
-server-path-prefix string
Server path prefix
Enable server access log
-http-loader-allowed-sources string
HTTP Loader allowed hosts whitelist to load images from if set. Accept csv wth glob pattern e.g. *,*
-http-loader-accept string
HTTP Loader set request Accept header and validate response Content-Type header. Supports HTTP Accept header input e.g. image/*
-http-loader-forward-headers string
Forward request header to HTTP Loader request by csv e.g. User-Agent,Accept
Forward all request headers to HTTP Loader request
HTTP Loader to use HTTP transport with InsecureSkipVerify true
-http-loader-max-allowed-size int
HTTP Loader maximum allowed size in bytes for loading images if set
-http-loader-proxy-urls string
HTTP Loader Proxy URLs. Enable HTTP Loader proxy only if this value present. Accept csv of proxy urls e.g. http://user:pass@host:port,http://user:pass@host:port
-http-loader-proxy-allowed-sources string
HTTP Loader Proxy allowed hosts that enable proxy transport, if proxy URLs are set. Accept csv wth glob pattern e.g. *,*
-http-loader-default-scheme string
HTTP Loader default scheme if not specified by image path. Set "nil" to disable default scheme. (default "https")
Disable HTTP Loader
-file-safe-chars string
File safe characters to be excluded from image key escape
-file-loader-base-dir string
Base directory for File Loader. Enable File Loader only if this value present
-file-loader-path-prefix string
Base path prefix for File Loader
-file-storage-base-dir string
Base directory for File Storage. Enable File Storage only if this value present
-file-storage-path-prefix string
Base path prefix for File Storage
-file-storage-mkdir-permission string
File Storage mkdir permission (default "0755")
-file-storage-write-permission string
File Storage write permission (default "0666")
-file-storage-expiration duration
File Storage expiration duration e.g. 24h. Default no expiration
-file-result-storage-base-dir string
Base directory for File Result Storage. Enable File Result Storage only if this value present
-file-result-storage-mkdir-permission string
File Result Storage mkdir permission (default "0755")
-file-result-storage-path-prefix string
Base path prefix for File Result Storage
-file-result-storage-write-permission string
File Storage write permission (default "0666")
-file-result-storage-expiration duration
File Result Storage expiration duration e.g. 24h. Default no expiration
-gcloud-loader-base-dir string
Base directory for Google Cloud Loader
-gcloud-loader-bucket string
Bucket name for Google Cloud Storage Loader. Enable Google Cloud Loader only if this value present
-gcloud-loader-path-prefix string
Base path prefix for Google Cloud Loader
-gcloud-result-storage-acl string
Upload ACL for Google Cloud Result Storage
-gcloud-result-storage-base-dir string
Base directory for Google Cloud Result Storage
-gcloud-result-storage-bucket string
Bucket name for Google Cloud Result Storage. Enable Google Cloud Result Storage only if this value present
-gcloud-result-storage-expiration duration
Google Cloud Result Storage expiration duration e.g. 24h. Default no expiration
-gcloud-result-storage-path-prefix string
Base path prefix for Google Cloud Result Storage
-gcloud-safe-chars string
Google Cloud safe characters to be excluded from image key escape
-gcloud-storage-acl string
Upload ACL for Google Cloud Storage
-gcloud-storage-base-dir string
Base directory for Google Cloud
-gcloud-storage-bucket string
Bucket name for Google Cloud Storage. Enable Google Cloud Storage only if this value present
-gcloud-storage-expiration duration
Google Cloud Storage expiration duration e.g. 24h. Default no expiration
-gcloud-storage-path-prefix string
Base path prefix for Google Cloud Storage
-aws-access-key-id string
AWS Access Key ID. Required if using S3 Loader or S3 Storage
-aws-region string
AWS Region. Required if using S3 Loader or S3 Storage
-aws-secret-access-key string
AWS Secret Access Key. Required if using S3 Loader or S3 Storage
-s3-endpoint string
Optional S3 Endpoint to override default
-s3-safe-chars string
S3 safe characters to be excluded from image key escape
S3 force the request to use path-style addressing, instead of
-s3-loader-bucket string
S3 Bucket for S3 Loader. Enable S3 Loader only if this value present
-s3-loader-base-dir string
Base directory for S3 Loader
-s3-loader-path-prefix string
Base path prefix for S3 Loader
-s3-storage-bucket string
S3 Bucket for S3 Storage. Enable S3 Storage only if this value present
-s3-storage-base-dir string
Base directory for S3 Storage
-s3-storage-path-prefix string
Base path prefix for S3 Storage
-s3-storage-acl string
Upload ACL for S3 Storage (default "public-read")
-s3-storage-expiration duration
S3 Storage expiration duration e.g. 24h. Default no expiration
-s3-result-storage-bucket string
S3 Bucket for S3 Result Storage. Enable S3 Result Storage only if this value present
-s3-result-storage-base-dir string
Base directory for S3 Result Storage
-s3-result-storage-path-prefix string
Base path prefix for S3 Result Storage
-s3-result-storage-acl string
Upload ACL for S3 Result Storage (default "public-read")
-s3-result-storage-expiration duration
S3 Result Storage expiration duration e.g. 24h. Default no expiration
-vips-max-animation-frames int
VIPS maximum number of animation frames to be loaded. Set 1 to disable animation, -1 for unlimited.
VIPS disable blur operations for vips processor
-vips-disable-filters string
VIPS disable filters by csv e.g. blur,watermark,rgb
-vips-max-filter-ops int
VIPS maximum number of filter operations allowed (default 10)
-vips-max-height int
VIPS max image height
-vips-max-width int
VIPS max image width
-vips-concurrency int
VIPS concurrency. Set -1 to be the number of CPU cores (default 1)
-vips-max-cache-files int
VIPS max cache files
-vips-max-cache-mem int
VIPS max cache mem
-vips-max-cache-size int
VIPS max cache size
VIPS enable maximum compression with MozJPEG. Requires mozjpeg to be installed