Finarya + YMG
- Yogyakarta, Indonesia
- https://yussan.id
- @yussanid
- yussan.id
string-manager-npm Public
string manipulation for javascript
maucoding-web Public
Web version of https://maucoding.com
kompetisiid-be-go Public
Forked from ymg-team/kompetisiid-be-gothis is golang version of be kompetisi id
Go UpdatedSep 9, 2023 -
kompetisiid-web-v2 Public
Forked from ymg-team/kompetisiid-web-v2kompetisi.id web v2
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedAug 27, 2023 -
combine-multiple-nextjs Public
Forked from maucoding-collections/combine-multiple-nextjsCSS UpdatedAug 13, 2023 -
follooow-be-go Public
Forked from ymg-team/follooow-be-gofollooow BE write with Golang Echo
Go UpdatedJun 24, 2023 -
Exploration of bitdev and styled component
Sample code of using redis cache on nodejs mongo
socket.io-exploration Public
from zero to hero exploration socket.io server and client side
This boilerplate is only implementation React and ReactDom into html page. If you want to build complex app using ReactJS i have recommendation for you https://goo.gl/eDmY1N
getting-started-react-native Public
just a dummy project to test for remote job
JavaScript UpdatedDec 6, 2022 -
svelte-exploration Public
Svelte is one of the Javascript framework popular in 2020, check this out for more info https://svelte.dev/
grunt-pug-sass-skeleton Public
boilerplate project of pug and sass using grunt
just-vue-client-boilerplate Public
Boilerplate to build Vue client side with Webpack
react-validamon-engine Public
Engine of React Validamon, a react validator library
react-form-manager Public
React form validator, validation based on props.
next-redux-skeleton Public
Skeleton project of Next and Redux
Isomorphic apps, built using base of Express, ReactJS and Redux. This allowing to run server rendering and server request.
Handle multi cameras input with vanilla js
vue-splide Public
Forked from Splidejs/vue-splideThe Splide component for Vue.
Vue MIT License UpdatedAug 29, 2020