http server handles http post JSON and transfer to ES
make it easier to handle http req and write to ES
multi thread and overload protected
"index": your index name in ES //MUST
"timestamp": your timestamp format in ES //NOT MUST,without it,Server will fill with a millisecond timestamp
...... //other fields u want.
Http Status:
200 // req accepted
403 // overloaded, req not accepted
$ npm install
fill config.js as comments.
$ ./start.sh
- mainly install express/elasticsearch-js,if u haven't install node yet,u may use the node process within this project.
but u have relink npm/forever.Do as the follow:
$ cd v6.2.0/bin/
$ ln -s ../lib/node_modules/forever/bin/forever forever
$ ln -s ../lib/node_modules/npm/bin/npm-cli.js - timestamp format should specify.If u are not sure,try this:
(1)do not put timestamp in ur req json,or fill it with millisecond.
(2)specify it with a template:
curl -XPUT "http://ur_es_host:ur_es_port/_template/t1" -d'{"template" : "*","order" : 0,"settings": {"index.refresh_interval": "1m","number_of_shards":"2"},"mappings":{"log":{"properties":{"timestamp": {"type": "date","format" : "epoch_millis"}}}}}'
- Any Comment or Question, Contact Me through : [email protected]
- 欢迎来撩