Cohort construction and analysis code for our target trial emulation of thresholds for invasive ventilation in hypoxemic respiratory failure
List of textual data sources to be used for text mining in R
Time Series Forecasting: Machine Learning and Deep Learning with R & Python
Model selection and generation of benchmark accuracy for forecasting the number of dispatches of one or more ambulances.
This is the minimal coding necessary to assemble the various data feeds and sort out the likes of variables naming & new features creation plus some general housekeeping tasks
R Package for Auto Regressive Distributed Lag time series regression.
Sources of the book "Displaying time series, spatial and space-time data with R" (1st Edition)
Exposure to long term air-pollution and COVID19 mortality
An R port of the Multivariate Time Series Forecasting with Keras blog post
Code for Hourly Temperature-Stroke Case-Crossover in NYS
A reproducible tutorial of optimization algorithm for single pollutant DLNM
GAM | DLNM | GLM - Negative binomial distribution
Repo for code for "Unrepresentative Surveys Significantly Overestimate Vaccine Uptake in the US"
Mortality using bayesian hierarchical modelling
Code from Parks RM, Benavides J, Anderson GB, et al. Association of Tropical Cyclones With County-Level Mortality in the US. JAMA. 2022;327(10):946–955. doi:10.1001/jama.2022.1682
Daily heat illness DLNM, case-crossover analysis from NLDAS 2
A Comparative Analysis of a Real Close-price Stock Market Data with The Classical Time Series, Machine Learning and a Single Layered Neural Network Model
Hands-on Machine Learning with R: An applied book covering the fundamentals of machine learning with R.
Multi-city analysis of temperature-related excess mortality
Analysis of NYC COVID disparities using publicly-available datasets
A reproducible simulation of case-crossover analyses of temperature and preterm birth
Modelling desert dust exposure in epidemiological studies for the short-term health effects
Data and code for the paper "Characterizing the first 250,000 adult hospitalisations for COVID-19 in Brazil: a nationwide study"
Mougk / dengue_foi
Forked from isabelrodbar/dengue_foiExample code to estimate force of infection from age-stratified incidence data, as described in "Opportunities for improved surveillance and control of infectious diseases from age-specific case da…