In this repository, we have a application to scrape and get restaurants in Amsterdam. Then, we serve several different analytics endpoints to run example queries on the scraped data. It uses aiohttp to poll requests, postgresql as database backend with SQLAlchemy, and fastapi for creating endpoints.
The project uses poetry as a package manager. There exists a Dockerfile to run the applications
There are several environment variables that are required. You can pass them via docker build args or if you run the application locally, use the following commands
export postgres_conn="the connection string to your postgress application"
If you use a proxy server, please export the following environment variables. Beware in mind that
export proxy_username="your username"
export proxy_password="your password"
export proxy_host="your host"
export proxy_port="your port"
In case you want to run application via docker, please make use of the following command:
docker build -t thuis --build-arg postgres_conn=...
docker run --name thuis -p 8000:8000 image_id
Make sure that you map the port
You can also run the application via your host machine
poetry install
poetry run fastapi run ./app/ --port 8000
You may have to modify get_headers function in cawse you encounter issues with reaching out to the server. The function exists in