- New York City
- https://www.yuchenzhang.org/
The fuzzer afl++ is afl with community patches, qemu 5.1 upgrade, collision-free coverage, enhanced laf-intel & redqueen, AFLfast++ power schedules, MOpt mutators, unicorn_mode, and a lot more!
A continuously updated collection of CodeLLM papers
A universal SBOM representation in protocol buffers
Static Value-Flow Analysis Framework for Source Code
The SBOM tool is a highly scalable and enterprise ready tool to create SPDX 2.2 compatible SBOMs for any variety of artifacts.
A lightweight WebAssembly runtime that is fast, secure, and standards-compliant
DARPA Cyber Grand Challenge Sample Challenges
A curated list of awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software
Automatically fuzz Rust projects from scratch
A curated list of SBOM (Software Bill Of Materials) related tools, frameworks, blogs, podcasts, and articles
A modification of NaCl to support sandoxing of dynamic libraries from the main app
🔐CNCF Security Technical Advisory Group -- secure access, policy control, privacy, auditing, explainability and more!
Protobomit is a command line tool designed to manage Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) by adding in-toto attestations as an external references.
Securing Alice's, Bob's and Carl's software supply chain using in-toto