Lizzie Player 扩展自WGo.js, 用HTML5编写,支持电脑/移动端浏览Lizzie分析后的棋谱,包括胜率图,查找失误等功能,同时支持查看本地棋谱,在LizzieYzy中分析后可以使用分享功能分享到此网页,然后在其他终端中查看
快捷键: O=打开棋谱,C=显示坐标,M=显示手数,X=切换计算量/目差,V=试下,A=自动前进变化图
Lizzie Player is an extension of WGo.js, a HTML5 library for purposes of game of go.Lizzie Player can display analyzed SGF from Lizzie or LizzieYzy.You can open a SGF from local device or upload you SGF from LizzieYzy's share menu and view it at any device.
Short cut: O=Open,C=Toggle coordinates,M=Toggle moveNumber,X=Toggle playouts/score,V=Try play,A=Auto variation