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SFMC Custom Activity based on ASP.Net Core using .Net7.

This repository serves as a working example of a Custom Activity within Salesforce Marketing Cloud's Journey Builder product.

A custom activity in Salesforce Marketing Journey Builder is a reusable component that allows you to automate complex tasks or integrate with external systems. Custom activities can be used to perform a variety of tasks, such as:

  • Updating contact records in Salesforce CRM
  • Sending email or SMS messages
  • Triggering workflows in other Salesforce products
  • Integrating with third-party marketing automation systems
  • Custom activities are created using the Marketing Cloud APIs. Once a custom activity has been created, it can be added to any Journey Builder journey.

In it's current form, the example here forwards the received payload with light transformation to an Azure Service Bus. The payload is then intended to be processed by an external process for action.


Initial Setup: Azure

Using the Azure CLI, the following commands can be executed to create the necessary objects within your Azure environment. For clarity, the syntax <****> indicates a value that the user is to provide at the time of creation, for example: <resourceGroup1> indicates a resource group within Azure for the environment where this code is deployed.

  • Login to Azure az login

  • Create a resource group az group create --location westus2 --resource-group <resourceGroup1>

  • Create AppService az appservice plan create --resource-group <resourceGroup1> --name <appService1> --is-linux

  • Create WebApp az webapp create --name <webapp1> --plan <appService1> --resource-group <resourceGroup1> --runtime "DOTNETCORE:7.0"

Within the Azure portal, navigate to your new web app resource that was defined. Download the publish profile so that the secret can be added to your forked GitHub repository. To add in GitHub, navigate to Settings > Secrets and Variables > Actions of the forked GitHub repository. Copy the contents of the downloaded publish profile and store the value as a Repository secret under the key name: AZURE_WEBAPP_PUBLISH_PROFILE.

Using the value provided for <webapp1>, modify the workflow action file .github/workflows/azure-deploy.yml in the forked repository. Set the value for env.AZURE_WEBAPP_NAME to the web app name value provided.

CI/CD is now enabled for your forked repository to your Azure environment.

With the web app deployed to Azure, retrieve the URL for it. Confirm the app loads in your browser.

Initial Setup: Salesforce Marketing Cloud

  • Login to SFMC
  • Navigate to Setup > Platform Tools > Apps > Installed Packages
  • Add a new package
  • Modify the access according to its use and current development status
  • Add a component
    • Specify the component name
    • Set category to Messages
    • Set the Endpoint URL to the URL used to validate the web app in Azure

JWT Signing

Follow instructions for step 1 and 2 located here.

Set the appropriate JWT_**** environment variables below with their associated values.

Environment Settings

The following environment settings are expected to be defined. These may be defined within the deployed appsettings.json file or injected within the Azure WebApp's configuration section.

If values are being injected via the WebApp's configuration section, replace : with __ for the variable names below.

Environment Variable Required? Description
APPINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY No GUID Assigned to the application for Azure ApplicationInsights instrumentation.
Settings:ServiceBus:AppName Yes Value that identifies the message posted to the queue. This value is set to the source key in the message's payload
Settings:ServiceBus:ConnectionString Yes Connection string for the Azure Service Bus where payloads are posted.
Settings:ServiceBus:SendQueue Yes Name of the Azure Service Bus queue.
Setings:SMS:JWTEnabled No true indicates that JWT is in use and payloads received by the /execute endpoint will be encrypted by a shared SALT key
Setings:SMS:JWTSecret No Required if JWT_ENABLED=true
SALT value used for hashing payloads by SFMC and validating payloads
Setings:SMS:JWTCustomerKey No Required if JWT_ENABLED=true
SFMC assigned external key value for the JWT SALT


SFMC Custom Activity based on ASP.Net Core







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