Lagopus software switch is a yet another OpenFlow 1.3 software switch implementation. Lagopus software switch is designed to leverage multi-core CPUs for high-performance packet processing and fowarding with DPDK. Many network protocol formats are supported, such as Ethernet, VLAN, QinQ, MAC-in-MAC, MPLS and PBB. In addition, tunnel protocol processing is supported for overlay-type networking with GRE, VxLAN and GTP.
- For a first trial, you may follow the quick start instructions.
- User guide
Lagopus can run on Intel x86 servers and virtual machine.
- Intel Xeon, Core, Atom
- standard NICs with raw-socket
- DPDK-enabled NICs
- Memory: 2GB or more
- Linux
- Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 16.04
- CentOS 7
- FreeBSD
- NetBSD
Lagopus Official site is
- Mailing list.
- Slack
- Register account in slackin page
Your contribution are very welcome, submit your patch with Github Pull requests. Or if you find any bug, let us know with Github Issues.
All of the code is freely available under the Apache 2.0 license.