- Pro
InstallWithOptions Public
Simple-ish app using Shizuku to install APKs on-device with advanced options
tree-feller Public
Forked from ThizThizzyDizzy/tree-fellerThe most customizable tree feller ever made.
KMPFile Public
Kotlin Multiplatform File implementation for JVM, Android, and iOS
CoreProtect Public
Forked from PlayPro/CoreProtectCoreProtect is a blazing fast data logging and anti-griefing tool for Minecraft servers.
Scythe Public
Forked from Simplexity-Development/ScytheAllow players to automatically replant crops, or gather with right-click
Copper-Items Public
Forked from GreeFoxTheDev/Copper-ItemsPlugin that adds craftable copper items!
CellReader Public
Playing around with reading cell stuff on Android
MastodonRedirect Public
Deep linking proxy for Mastodon and Lemmy on Android, allowing you to launch your selected client automatically.
MultiplatformMaterialYou Public
home-assistant-flichub Public
Forked from JohNan/home-assistant-flichubCustom HomeAssistant integration for FlicHub
Python MIT License UpdatedSep 16, 2024 -
flic2hass Public
Forked from asosnovsky/flic2hassA BETTER Flic SDK utility to publish all Flic buttons to Home Assistant via MQTT
unifi-ddns Public
Forked from willswire/unifi-ddnsCloudflare DDNS (Dynamic DNS) support for UniFi OS
HINTControl Public
A cross-platform app using JetBrains Compose to view and control various T-Mobile Home Internet gateways.
pyflichub-tcpclient Public
Forked from JohNan/pyflichub-tcpclientPython MIT License UpdatedSep 6, 2024 -
unifi-cam-proxy Public
Forked from JasonGehring/unifi-cam-proxyEnable non-Ubiquiti cameras to work with Unifi NVR
ComposeInWindowAlertDialog Public
Alternative AlertDialog implementation for Compose Multiplatform that fades dialogs in and out
Kotlin MIT License UpdatedAug 24, 2024 -
FileKit Public
Forked from vinceglb/FileKitPick and save Files, Medias and Folder for Kotlin Multiplatform / KMP and Compose Multiplatform / CMP
VPNHotspot Public
Forked from Mygod/VPNHotspotShare your VPN connection over hotspot or repeater! (root required)
jSystemThemeDetector Public
Forked from Dansoftowner/jSystemThemeDetectorJava library for detecting that the (desktop) operating system uses dark UI theme or not