Basic + Well-Documented SailsJS 2017 PassportJS authentication implementation
200 "OK" indicates general success 200 "OK" shouldn't be used to return error messages 201 "Created" indicates a resource was successfully created 202 "Accepted" indicates that an asynch operation was started 204 "No Content" indicates success but with an intentionally empty response body 301 "Moved Permanently" is used for relocated resources 303 "See Other" tells the client to query a different URI 304 "Not Modified" is used to save bandwidth 307 "Temporary Redirect" means resubmit the query to a different URI 400 "Bad Request" indicates a general failure 401 "Unauthorized" indicates bad credentials 403 "Forbidden" denies access regardless of authentication 404 "Not Found" means the URI doesn't map to a resource 405 "Method Not Allowed" means the HTTP method isn't supported 406 "Not Acceptable" indicates the requested format isn't available 409 "Conflict" indicates a problem with the state of the resource 412 "Precondition Failed" is used for conditional operations 415 "Unsupported Media Type" means the type of payload can't be processed 500 "Internal Server Error" indicates an API malfunction