This is an extension of the excellent fb.wall jQuery plugin by Neosmart. For the original, see:
This extension adds the following plugins:
: shows likes for a Facebook object.
: shows comments for a Facebook object.
To see these two additional plugins in action, visit:
It's rough around the edges at the moment; apologies.
The following is the easiest way to render likes for a given Facebook object into a container with id "container":
$('#container').fbLikes({ id: "some object id", accessToken: "your application's access token", });In addition, the following options can be specified:
:- the id of the Facebook user you are rendering this for (so that it shows "you like this" and so on).
This plugin shows Facebook comments for a given Facebook object, adding them to a container with id "container":
$('#container').fbComments({ id: "some object id", accessToken: "your really elaborate access token" });Along with the some options mentioned for
, the following options are allowed:
:a function that takes a string representation of a date (when the comment was posted) and returns a formatted version of it; for instance, to get a common US format, you might use the following:
$('#container').fbComments({ ..., formatDate: function(s){ var date = new Date(s); var month = date.getMonth() + 1; var day = date.getDay(); var year = date.getFullYear(); return month + '/' + day + '/' + year; } })
To run the provided example, run the following from within the same directory as this README, and then visit http://localhost:8000/example.html:
python -m SimpleHTTPServer
This assumes, of course, that you have Python installed.