Track progress of the Clue board game.
Modeling the domain with goals:
- improve react skills
- explore machine learning??
- beat my children when we play Clue
- pass props in the URL with react router via the render prop and match props.
- OR pass the prop from parent to child
- to 'override a method' on a shared component that updates state on the parent, one option is to create the function in the parent component and pass it to the child.
- When the onChange of an element effects the style of that element, how to let the parent set the style? One way is to pass the className as a prop.
- state... in react state is or should be immutable. Do not modify the value of a variable directly. Use the useState Hook instead.
- when using useState, trust in the object spread... making a temp object and passing it in did not modify the object in the parent.
- a list item in a jsx/tsx needs a key (see the PickCards component). But don't use the array index.
- When you need a Link to use a value that will change, you can instead create an onClick for the Button and handle nav in the function with useHistory.push.
- Using back and forward browser buttons doesn't show snapshots of the game state. It shows the current game state. Might disable browser nav or implement game state snapshots.
- leaning toward putting the game win checks as functions on the Game, but need to learn how best
- to do that in a React way... is it by making a useEffect hook to set the cards? Or does that
- bypass and negate immutable state... is it an anitpattern?
- play until you know someone holds all but one of a category. The remaining card's background color does not change to indicate the card is a solution.
- change "you win" to
$playerName wins!
- Sets known when none shown but suggestor holds at least one card of the suggestion. Might only happen with locaitons..
- radios are too small; create custom component to touch select the whole card
- show 1 card; all were marked possibly shown by.
- a location suggestion UI; Maybe just order the locations, or add a badge with a rank or priority.
- table talk UI; if clues are given away verbally, indicate shown card on previous turn.
- a hide button that flips cards so I set the phone down without revealing my clues.
- allow player to accuse after suggesting
- and condition elimination: if you have a known card and someone else shows another player one of two unkowns, send this to the eliminate api (passing two unknown items).
- add indication of player owned card with color
- consider back button on shown by for mistakes
- hide 'none' if you have a card to show
- Be player 1. for first turn suggestion, suggest a suspect not held by you, a weapon held by you, and a location not held by you. indicate that player two showed you the suspect. Expect: the suspect is marked as 'known to be held by' (curently by setting background to gray)
- Be player 1 with 3 players. for player 3 suggestion: suggest a suspect you hold. a location and a weapon you dont hold. it asks if player 1 showed player 3 the suggested cards you hold. Should not say 'A Card'
- Be player 1 with 3 players. On player 3's turn, suggest cards that player one does not hold. When asked which card Player 1 showed to player 3, the only radio is None. Click OK to select None. Expected: player 2 can show 'A Card' or 'None' to player 3.