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Making Wechat Mini-Program with Vue.js - A Brief Introduction to mpvue

What is Wechat Mini-Program

Wechat Mini-Program looks like normal Apps, but they live in Wechat App, not in Android or iOS platform.

Basically you could see them as very light, small, main function only 'sub-app's. Compare to normal Apps, Mini-Program gets some differences:

  1. no need to install, search, use, and close.
  2. limited by the size (max 2M for now), Mini-Program prefers offer the main function only, not like normal Apps with completed functions.
  3. the publishment of Mini-Program is managed by Tencent, not the Apple or Android Markets.

Since Wechat already got a very large portion of Chinese market, the Mini-Program becomes popular in China too, and the developer number of Mini-Program increases.

Wechat offered completed developer tool kit for developers to make Mini-Program. But in a developer opinion this is not a good choice.

Problems About the Official Development Kit

The main problem about Mini-Program native development kit is not very friendly to developers. And here is why:

  1. The basic codes of Mini-Program are 4 types of files:
  • .json configuration file, includes path / UI / network timeout / tab etc.
  • .wxml template file, page structure, like HTML in web page.
  • .wxss style file, page style, like CSS in web page.
  • .js function file.

The .wxml and .wxss are similar to HTML and CSS but still different, you need to learn about them.

  1. The codes are split into Pages, each Page contains its own .json, .wxml, .wxss and .js files. Hard for code re-use.

  2. No global state management. Only Page gets its own data object. So for a practical Mini-Program the developer needs to maintain a global data object as state and follow every single data changing manually, which is complicated and buggy.

  3. Hard to use third libraries. For example, if you want to use lodash in Mini-Program, you need to manually copy the entire library into project. And that means have to remove the library from codes manually when you don't need it. Not even mention about version, updating, codes committment issues.

Here Comes mpvue to Help

Since almost every frontend developer loves Vue.js, why don't use Vue.js to develope all Apps on all platforms (and yes this is actually the trending)? Now we get a framework named mpvue which could use to develope Wechat Mini-Program in Vue.js way.

mpvue is based on Vue.js and modified the runtime and compiler to make it could run in Mini-Program environment. So you could develope the Mini-Program just like whatever you do with Vue.js in normal web SPAs!

Simple Demo: A Note List

Now let's take a look at how to make a simple note list app for Wechat Mini-Program, with mpvue of course!


First of all, initializing the project.

$ vue init mpvue/mpvue-quickstart note-list
$ cd note-list
$ npm install
$ npm run dev

We created a new project from mpvue quickstart template and then started a build server in local. It will compile all source codes into a directory named dist in our new project path.

Download the wechat developer tools from the official site.

Install the developer tool, open it up, and choose Mini-Program Development.

click the red circled one

In the next screen, let's select our project path and input the AppID. (for more information about AppID, should check the official docs).

select dist path; input AppID

And you will get the Hello World page.

the developer tool

This is the quickstart demo page from mpvue template. You could also goto the vuex demo page to check if vuex works.


Next let's make our notes store. In our project root directory:

$ cd src
$ mkdir store
$ touch store/index.js
$ mkdir store/modules
$ touch store/modules/notes.js
// src/store/index.js

import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuex from 'vuex'

import notes from './modules/notes'


export default new Vuex.Store({
  modules: {

This is the store entry file, it includes a module named notes.

// src/store/modules/notes.js

const types = {

const state = {
  notes: ['apple', 'banana', 'cherry']

const getters = {
  notes: (state) => state.notes

const actions = {
  newNote ({ commit }, note) {
    commit(types.NEW_NOTE, note)

  removeNote ({ commit }, index) {
    commit(types.REMOVE_NOTE, index)

const mutations = {
  [types.NEW_NOTE] (state, note) {
    const newNotes = => n)
    state.notes = newNotes

  [types.REMOVE_NOTE] (state, index) {
    const newNotes = => n)
    newNotes.splice(index, 1)
    state.notes = newNotes

export default {

We defined the notes store module, along with the state, actions and mutations.

Now it's time to show the notes in UI.

$ cd src/pages
$ mkdir notes
$ touch notes/index.vue notes/main.js

Take a look at src/main.js, this is the entry file for whole app. You could change global configuration here. For now the most import configuration is the line starts with pages:. Change the line to:

pages: ['^pages/notes/main'],

This means the homepage will be the notes page we just created.

So what's in notes files?

// src/pages/notes/main.js

import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuex from 'vuex'
import App from './index'
import store from '../../store'


const app = new Vue({

Now we mounted the store in vue component.

// src/pages/notes/index.vue

    <h1>My Notes</h1>
      <li v-for="(note, idx) in notes" :key="idx">
        {{ note }}

import { mapGetters } from 'vuex'

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      noteText: ''

  computed: {

We get the notes from state getters, and display them in a list. Just like this:


New Note

When we check a note list, sometimes maybe want to put down new note.

And this is new notes file:

// src/pages/notes/index.vue

    <h1>My Notes</h1>
      <li v-for="(note, idx) in notes" :key="idx">
        {{ note }}
    <input type="text" v-model="noteText">
    <button @click="addNote">+</button>

import { mapGetters, mapActions } from 'vuex'

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      noteText: ''

  computed: {

  methods: {
    addNote() {
      if (this.noteText.trim().length) {
      this.noteText = ''


There are some changes:

  • an input box and button to submit new note
  • method to handle new note submit

And now it will works like this:

new note

Remove Note

When we need to remove note. Check the new notes file:

// src/pages/notes/index.vue

    <h1>My Notes</h1>
      <li v-for="(note, idx) in notes" :key="idx">
        <span>{{ note }}</span>
        <b @click="deleteNote(idx)">-</b>
    <input type="text" v-model="noteText">
    <button @click="addNote">+</button>

import { mapGetters, mapActions } from 'vuex'

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      noteText: ''

  computed: {

  methods: {
    addNote() {
      if (this.noteText.trim().length) {
      this.noteText = ''

    deleteNote(index) {


There is a new button for every note now. When click on it, it will call the remove note function with index.

And it works too:

delete note


Finally lets make it prettier(maybe?).

the note list


All demo codes are in



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