- nbviewer might have prettier math and image rendering than github
- Photos are taken from the resources (most of them from Stanford's cs224w and Graph representation learning – William Hamilton 2020) or the extra resources linked in the notebooks.
- Programming: OOP, being able to read and change functions to do something else.
- Math: Probabilities, statistics and linear algebra
- Graph theory – data structures
Part 1. Labs 1-5 -- Traditional generative methods, community detection.
Part 2 -- ML on graphs -- Embeddings, Classification, GNNs
Either make an anaconda env or a venv and install the requirements (Please do this before the lab)
Open Graph Benchmark, ogb paper
Stanford course cs224w -- Big recommendation
Network science – Albert-Laszlo Barabasi
The atlas of the aspiring network scientist
Graph representation learning – William Hamilton 2020