Docker Machine---->Independent Machine it does not so much priority on Linux based system. Docker Image--->Container--->Run Container---->(e.g Mongo,Redis)
Open a Machine: docker-machine env #Show a eval value that should be cmd prompt key
Show all Images:
Show all conatiner:
docker ps # only running container docker ps-a #show all conatiner of machine lifecycle
Docker Build by Dockerfile:
docker build -f Dockerfile -t zahid492/node-with-dockerfile .
docker run -d -p 8080:3000 zahid492/node-with-dockerfile docker Link between two containers:
Option 1: Link: Create link to each others so develop a layer system (e.g as after base image ubutu we can join node image then after this layer join redis image and so on).
Option 2: Networking(Bridge): Create a isolated bridge in docker then join every container over that bridge.
Option 3: Docker Compose : Most efective way to join conatiner to each other . Develop friendly. Portable