- Introduction to HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, and JSX
- Web Development using React from scratch
- Understand the terminology and concepts of Redux and React-Redux
- Connect to the Server and call REST APIs using axios
- Building router for a real-world application using React-Router
- Introduction to iOS and Android App Development using React Native
- Introduction to Cross-platform Desktop App Development using React and Electron
#Session | Topics | Links |
1 | Introduction to Web Development and Git | Link |
2 | Introduction to HTML | Link |
3 | Introduction to CSS | Link |
4 | Introduction to Flexbox | Link |
5 | Introduction to JS | Link |
6 | Introduction to JS | Link |
- Create one repoitory for all homeworks
- Create a directory for each Exc. and name it using the following format:
for exampleHW10.2
for homework 2 in session 10
- Push all codes/links/documents on the mentioned directory
- telegram: @UTech_Course_Support
- If you have any question/issue, feel free to send an email to [email protected]
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