node.js application illustrating various features used in everyday web development, with a fine touch of best practices.
- Install mongodb
- Install node.js
- Install npm :
curl | sh
git clone git:// noobjs
cd noobjs
cp config.example.json config.json
npm install
node app.js
- http://localhost:3000/
- version 2.0 (August 29, 2011)
- version 1.0 (March 05, 2011)
MVC architecture using expressCustom error handling in expressRouting in expressCURD operations using mongoose orm and mongodbUse of stylus- user authentication
- pagination
use of flash variables (displaying messaages like "updated successfully" etc)dynamic helpers (use of commonjs date formatting library).Thanks to commonjs-date-formatting- validations
- map-reduce
- embedded documents in mongoose
- using of middlewares in mongoose
If you are looking a specific feature, please use the issue tracker. I will try to come up with a demo as earliest as I can. Please feel free to fork and send updates :)
M Fazle Taher - D of CURD