This app allows a user to sign up and upload photos that a ML algorithm will be run on to select the faces in the picture. Think Facebook's tagging feature. I built this fullstack app to gain experience working on a fullstack app with React, Node && Express, and to further gain experience with fetching RESTful APIs.
Go here for a live demo.
Sign up, upload an image by URL, a ML face recognition algorithm will highlight the faces in the picture
Go here to view the source code for the backend API built using Node.js and Express.js
Built with:
- Layout built with React
- Authentication handled by Node.js and Express.js
- Styled with Tachyons + Custom CSS
- Fully Responsive
- Utilizes REST API
Thanks to Flatiron School, Andrei Neagoie, and all the countless articles and tutorials that I've come across
MIT © Michael Zamudio