A 4x4 Raspberry Pi LED matrix display This is just a fun little project I've been working on, and I want to release this to everyone.
It only took me a few hours to wire the circuit and put together a somewhat bad python script.
The matrix relies on the basic principles of the polarities of diodes.
Since Diodes only let current flow in one direction, when the polarity is reversed it turns the specific pixel turned off.
I have uploaded images of a basic circuit diagram.
Additional examples and documentation is in the matrix.py file itself.
I'll update this whenever I make changes to the software
Requried Parts list:
-> Raspberry Pi b+/2/3/3b+
-> 40 pin, GPIO breakout cable (Such as a Pi Cobler)
-> Any color LED ( 30 mA, 3.2 V)
-> Various wires/jumpers (Longer wires and smaller jumpers to bridge breadboard sides)