This is a Demo APP developed in Flutter. It use:
- BLoC pattern as State Management
- GetIt as Dependency Injector
- Hive as query caché and local data
- Responsive grids
- GitHub actions for CI/CD
- GraphQL for service consumption
The APP looks like this:
This app saves cache for Http Requests with hive. Hive needs to be generated his code using this command:
fvm flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
It create the files XX.g.dart, which are the Adapters to use in the CacheRepository.
To generate App Icon you need to change the icon in assets/icons/appIcon.png and then execute this command
fvm flutter pub run flutter_launcher_icons:main
It create tha files XX.g.dart, which are the Adapters to use in the CacheRepository.