Tags: zarumaru/openhab-cloud
Disables APNS if no APN or APN signingKey config is present (openhab#343 ) Signed-off-by: Dan Cunningham <[email protected]>
Adds github actions to build push docker container, removes travis (o… …penhab#341) Signed-off-by: Dan Cunningham <[email protected]>
Updates Node to version 14, updates NPM modules (openhab#335) Major Upgrade of Node and NPM packages * Updates Node to version 14, updates dependencies to latest version. Updates ejs views to use updated ejs include syntax. Updates various methods due to NPM package updates and breaking changes. Replaces no longer maintained NPM libraries with alternatives. Signed-off-by: Dan Cunningham <[email protected]> * update readme to node 14 Signed-off-by: Dan Cunningham <[email protected]> * Fix updated APN methods and setters Signed-off-by: Dan Cunningham <[email protected]> * Refactors close logic due to Node upgrade changes to event order Signed-off-by: Dan Cunningham <[email protected]> * Updates APN2 for http/2 requireemnts, use new p8 auth key for PNS Signed-off-by: Dan Cunningham <[email protected]> * Updated FCM xmpp libray and logic Signed-off-by: Dan Cunningham <[email protected]>
Update travis creds (openhab#312) Signed-off-by: Dan Cunningham <[email protected]>
Add missing return statements to guard statement in notification send (… …openhab#188) (openhab#249) Also replace nested if/else with better readable guard statements in notification socket handlers. This may be related to openhab#184 Signed-off-by: Florian Schmidt <[email protected]>
Removes regular expression in query as this is very ineffient and neg… …ates the benefits of a index (openhab#223) Signed-off-by: Dan Cunningham <[email protected]>
Alexa review fixes (openhab#220) * Fixes oauth and form-express sanitized/validated data Signed-off-by: digitaldan <[email protected]> * Be more specific about which values we replace in our data object Signed-off-by: digitaldan <[email protected]> * Use form validation for reset code Signed-off-by: digitaldan <[email protected]>
Fixes openhab#184 (openhab#217) Signed-off-by: digitaldan <[email protected]>
CSRF should not be applied to our proxy connections (openhab#214) Signed-off-by: digitaldan <[email protected]>
Add unique index to userdevices to prevent duplicate device registrat… ( openhab#196) * Add unique index to userdevices to prevent duplicate device registrations This also requires a manual effort when upgrading to remove duplicated entries, until the unique index can be enforced by the database. Fixes openhab#195 Signed-off-by: Florian Schmidt <[email protected]> * Also check for duplicate androidregistrationid and iosdevicetoken Signed-off-by: Florian Schmidt <[email protected]>