Unit 2, Project 2
Topic | Description | Link |
Starter Code | Project Prompts and Description | Here |
Solution Code | Sample solutions for project questions | Here |
Dataset | Chipotle Dataset | Here |
Note: Instructors should withold providing project solutions until students have submitted their drafts. In order to do so, avoid forking this repo and instead clone down materials locally, create a new repository in your student org, and upload materials manually.
The Chipotle data set is from "The Upshot" column in The New York Times. It was chosen because the data is familiar, real-world, and relevant to many students. It allows students to analyze the same dataset studied by a data scientist at The New York Times.
For project two, you will complete a serious of exercises exploring order data from Chipotle, compliments of The New York Times's "The Upshot."
For these exercises, you will be conducting basic exploratory data analysis on Chipotle's order data, looking to answer such questions as:
- How many orders are being made?
- What is the average price per order?
- How many different ingredients?
This process will help you practice your data analysis skills while becoming comfortable with Python (Pandas not required).
In a Jupyter Notebook, create working solutions for all of the questions above.
Your notebook should include:
Text for each question, copy and pasted from this file (preferably in markdown).
A working solution to each problem.
- Do not include test, practice, or broken code (unless you were unable to create a working solution).
Comments for all of your code.
- In your comments, describe any assumptions you made in order to solve these problems.
Bonus: In programming (and life), there may be multiple ways to solve a problem. After completing our challenges, go back and see if you can think of any other valid methods!
For all projects, requirements will be evaluated on a simple point scale of 0, 1, or 2.
Score | Expectations |
0 | Incomplete. |
1 | Does not meet expectations. |
2 | Meets expectations, good job! |
Additionally, instructors will provide feedback on required portions of your project.
Your instructor will explain how to submit your assignment. Typically, this is done either by:
- Creating a repository in your github profile, hosting your materials, and sharing a link with your instructor. [or]
- Forking the project repository, adding your solutions, and submitting a pull request back to the relevant repo.