Only supports Sublime Text 3. Sublime Text 2 is no longer supported.
Language definitions for ES6+ JavaScript with React JSX syntax extensions.
Find it as Babel through Package Control.
To set it as the default syntax for a particular extension:
- Open a file with that extension,
- Select
from the menu, - Then
Open all with current extension as...
JavaScript (Babel)
. - Repeat this for each extension (e.g.:
comes bundled with Next
and Monokai
from Benvie/JavaScriptNext.tmLanguage. Select one from Preferences
Color Scheme
It's possible to set Babel
as the only JavaScript package by disabling the stock one. To do so, add "ignored_packages": ["JavaScript"]
to your Preferences.sublime-settings
. The benefits include:
- extension-less node scripts will automatically be recognized as
JavaScript (Babel)
, - and reduced clutter in the syntax menu.
Keep in mind, the stock snippets will no longer work (you may still use your own), and other third-party packages that depend on the stock package may break (no known ones so far).
supports modern JavaScript syntax, including arrow functions, destructuring, shorthand methods, template strings, and more.
correctly matches JSX comments between attributes, namespaced components, and non-alpha characters in tag/attribute names.
- Greater-/less-than comparisons are correctly identified as such and not mistaken for JSX tags.
Find them separately at babel/babel-sublime-snippets or as [Babel Snippets]( Snippets) through Package Control.
Sublime Text Color Schemes which are ready for JavaScript's new features and babel-sublime package.
Under the hood, babel-sublime is based on the excellent Benvie/JavaScriptNext.tmLanguage with JSX syntax support built on top. The initial definitions for JSX came from reactjs/sublime-react via yungters/sublime - special thanks go to @jgebhardt and @zpao.
Pull Requests should include your changes to the respective YAML-tmKittens
file as well as the converted tmKittens
file. Use AAAPackageDev to convert the YAML-tmKittens