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[display] add something that looks like a javadoc parser
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Simn committed Nov 18, 2020
1 parent 24dd3e4 commit ab67f18
Showing 1 changed file with 145 additions and 8 deletions.
153 changes: 145 additions & 8 deletions src/core/display/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,11 +1,148 @@
type doc_tag =
| Returns of string
| Deprecated of string
| Since of string
| Default of string
| See of string
| Param of string * string
| Throws of string * string
| Event of string * string
| Custom of string * string

let string_of_tag = function
| Returns s -> "returns " ^ s
| Deprecated s -> "deprecated " ^ s
| Since s -> "since " ^ s
| Default s -> "default " ^ s
| See s -> "see " ^ s
| Param(s1,s2) -> "param " ^ s1 ^ " " ^ s2
| Throws(s1,s2) -> "throws " ^ s1 ^ " " ^ s2
| Event(s1,s2) -> "event " ^ s1 ^ " " ^ s2
| Custom(s1,s2) -> s1 ^ " " ^ s2

class javadoc (doc : string) = object(self)

val mutable actual_doc = doc;
val mutable tags = []
val mutable parsed_tags = false

method get_param_info (name : string) =
(* TODO: Parse this properly *)
let s = "@param " ^ name ^ " \\(.*\\)" in
let reg = Str.regexp s in
ignore(Str.search_forward reg doc 0);
Some (Str.matched_group 1 doc)
with Not_found ->
if not parsed_tags then self#parse_tags;
let rec loop tags = match tags with
| (Param(name',value)) :: _ when name = name' ->
Some value
| _ :: tags ->
loop tags
| [] ->
loop tags

method parse_tags =
parsed_tags <- true;
let l = String.length doc in
let commit_tag name value =
let separate () =
ExtString.String.split value " "
with _ ->
let add tag = tags <- tag :: tags in
match name with
| "param" ->
let name,doc = separate() in
add (Param(name,doc))
| "exception" | "throws" ->
let name,doc = separate() in
add (Throws(name,doc))
| "event" ->
let name,doc = separate() in
add (Event(name,doc))
| "deprecated" ->
add (Deprecated value)
| "return" | "returns" ->
add (Returns value)
| "since" ->
add (Since value)
| "default" ->
add (Default value)
| "see" ->
add (See value)
| _ ->
add (Custom(name,value))
let read_until p c =
let pn = String.index_from doc p c in
String.sub doc p (pn - p),pn + 1
(* Returns the first non-whitespace character while counting indentation. *)
let rec newline had_star indent p =
if p >= l then
else begin
let c = doc.[p] in
match c with
| ' ' | '\t' ->
newline had_star (indent + 1) (p + 1)
| '*' when not had_star ->
newline true 0 (p + 1)
| '\r' | '\n' ->
newline false 0 (p + 1)
| _ ->
Some(c,p + 1,indent)
let newline p = newline false 0 p in
(* Returns (position of last real char, position of next char) *)
let last_char_pos_on_line p =
let rec loop pl pn =
if pn = l then
else match doc.[pn] with
| ' ' | '\r' | '\t' ->
loop pl (pn + 1)
| '\n' ->
pl,pn + 1
| _ ->
loop pn (pn + 1)
loop p p
let doc_buf = Buffer.create 0 in
let rec loop p = match newline p with
| None ->
| Some(c,p,indent) ->
match c with
| '@' ->
begin try
let name,pn = read_until p ' ' in
let value_buf = Buffer.create 0 in
(* Append lines that have higher indentation. *)
let rec loop_value ps =
let pl,pn = last_char_pos_on_line ps in
Buffer.add_substring value_buf doc ps (pl - ps + 1);
match newline pn with
| Some(c,p,indent') when indent' > indent ->
Buffer.add_char value_buf '\n';
Buffer.add_char value_buf c;
loop_value p
| _ ->
let pn = loop_value pn in
commit_tag name (Buffer.contents value_buf);
loop pn
with Not_found ->
Buffer.add_substring doc_buf doc p (l - p)
| _ ->
Buffer.add_char doc_buf c;
let pl,pn = last_char_pos_on_line p in
Buffer.add_substring doc_buf doc p (pl - p + 1);
loop pn
loop 0;
tags <- List.rev tags;

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