this project was created base in ffmpeg. By sampling and resampling the video stream, we encode the video/audio stream to H.264/AAC. And also, we create H.264/AAC parser to help us understand that structure. hope it can help you.
利用FFmpeg 开发音视频流(三)——将视频 YUV 格式编码成 H264
i did write a blog to introduce this project , hope it can help you to comprehend it.
If you want to test Vido (H.264), fllow this.
self.session = [[ABSSimpleSession alloc] initWithVideoSize:CGSizeMake(640, 480)
cameraState:ABSCameraStateFront previewFrame:self.view.bounds];
self.session.delegate = self;
[self.view addSubview:self.session.previewView];
[self.session startVideoRecord];
// close it
[self.session endVidoeRecord];
But if you want to test audio (AAC)
self.session = [[ABSSimpleSession alloc] initWithAudioSampleRate:44100. channelCount:2];
self.session.delegate = self;
[self.session startAudioRecord];
// close it
[self.session endAudioRecord];
2017.11.1 Update project to runnable and and modify test API, enjoy it