A CouchApp-style application for maintaining a project backlog and organizing work into stories and sprints.
The idea is that you'll use one database per project backlog. If you need another project backlog, then push the design document to another database.
A CouchDB 0.11 server and recent version of CouchApp for your development environment.
BackLogger, without additional configuration, allow only users logged into the server to change data, however anyone can do reads.
If you don't want unregistered users to see your data, you'll want to us Futon to lock-down your sprint backlog database:
- login into Futon as a server admin user
- open up your sprint backlog database
- click the "Security..." button
- add double-quoted values to the arrays for reader roles or users
After doing this, anonymous user wont be able to see BackLogger, so you'll also need to push up BackLogger-Login: