Clone this repository and then run:
yarn install
You'll need at least Node LTS for this to work.
yarn build
You can run this either via yarn
yarn analyze:bat --debug --console two-fer ~/path/to/solution/folder
Or directly via the provided shell script:
./bin/ two_fer ~/path/to/solution
Add the --debug
and --console
flags to get output in the terminal window.
To create the image, execute the following command from the repository root:
docker build -t exercism/javascript-analyzer .
To run
from docker pass in the solutions path as a volume and execute with the necessary parameters:
docker run -v $(PATH_TO_SOLUTION):/solution exercism/javascript-analyzer ${SLUG} /solution
docker run -v ~/solution-238382y7sds7fsadfasj23j:/solution exercism/javascript-analyzer two-fer /solution