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zefer committed Jun 25, 2008
1 parent 18533f2 commit 054ea9b
Showing 1 changed file with 251 additions and 0 deletions.
251 changes: 251 additions & 0 deletions Combine.cfc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
<cfcomponent displayname="Combine" output="false" hint="provides javascript and css file merge and compress functionality, to reduce the overhead caused by file sizes & multiple requests">

<cffunction name="init" access="public" returntype="Combine" output="false">
<cfargument name="basePath" type="string" required="true" hint="the path where the files' relative urls are based. allows us to convert relative urls to file paths" />
<cfargument name="enableCache" type="boolean" required="true" />
<cfargument name="cachePath" type="string" required="true" />
<cfargument name="enableETags" type="boolean" required="true" />
<cfargument name="enableJSMin" type="boolean" required="true" hint="compress JS using JSMin?" />
<cfargument name="enableYuiCSS" type="boolean" required="true" hint="compress CSS using the YUI css compressor?" />
<!--- optional args --->
<cfargument name="outputSeperator" type="string" required="false" default="#chr(13)#" hint="seperates the output of different file content" />
<cfargument name="skipMissingFiles" type="boolean" required="false" default="true" hint="skip files that don't exists? If false, non-existent files will cause an error" />
<cfargument name="getFileModifiedMethod" type="string" required="false" default="java" hint="java or com. Which technique to use to get the last modified times for files." />

variables.sCachePath = arguments.cachePath;
// enable caching
variables.bCache = arguments.enableCache;
// enable etags - browsers use this hash to decide if their cached version is up to date
variables.bEtags = arguments.enableETags;
// enable jsmin compression of javascript
variables.bJsMin = arguments.enableJSMin;
// enable yui css compression
variables.bYuiCss = arguments.enableYuiCSS;
// text used to delimit the merged files in the final output
variables.sOutputDelimiter = arguments.outputSeperator;
// the path where the files' relative urls are based. allows us to convert relative urls to file paths
variables.sBaseFilePath = arguments.basePath;
// skip files that don't exists? If false, non-existent files will cause an error
variables.bSkipMissingFiles = arguments.skipMissingFiles;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
variables.jOutputStream = createObject("java","");
variables.jStringReader = createObject("java","");
variables.jJSMin = createObject("java","com.magnoliabox.jsmin.JSMin");
variables.jStringWriter = createObject("java","");
variables.jYuiCssCompressor = createObject("java","");

// determine which method to use for getting the file last modified dates
if(arguments.getFileModifiedMethod eq 'com')
variables.fso = CreateObject("COM", "Scripting.FileSystemObject");
// calls to getFileDateLastModified() are handled by getFileDateLastModified_com()
variables.getFileDateLastModified = variables.getFileDateLastModified_com;
variables.jFile = CreateObject("java", "");
// calls to getFileDateLastModified() are handled by getFileDateLastModified_java()
variables.getFileDateLastModified = variables.getFileDateLastModified_java;

<cfreturn this />

<cffunction name="combine" access="public" returntype="void" output="true" hint="combines a list js or css files into a single file, which is output, and cached if caching is enabled">
<cfargument name="files" type="string" required="true" hint="a delimited list of jss or css paths to combine" />
<cfargument name="type" type="string" required="false" hint="js,css" />
<cfargument name="delimiter" type="string" required="false" default="," hint="the delimiter used in the provided paths string" />

var sType = '';
var lastModified = 0;
var sFilePath = '';
var sCorrectedFilePaths = '';
var i = 0;
var sDelimiter = arguments.delimiter;

var etag = '';
var sCacheFile = '';
var sOutput = '';
var sFileContent = '';

var filePaths = convertToAbsolutePaths(files, delimiter);

// determine what file type we are dealing with
if( structkeyExists(arguments, 'type') )
sType = arguments.type;
if(not listFindNoCase('js,css', sType))
sType = listLast( listFirst(filePaths, sDelimiter) , '.');

<!--- get the latest last modified date --->
<cfset sCorrectedFilePaths = '' />
<cfloop from="1" to="#listLen(filePaths, sDelimiter)#" index="i">

<cfset sFilePath = listGetAt(filePaths, i, sDelimiter) />

<cfif fileExists( sFilePath )>

<cfset lastModified = max(lastModified, getFileDateLastModified( sFilePath )) />
<cfset sCorrectedFilePaths = listAppend(sCorrectedFilePaths, sFilePath, sDelimiter) />

<cfelseif not variables.bSkipMissingFiles>
<cfthrow type="combine.missingFileException" message="A file specified in the combine (#sType#) path doesn't exist." detail="file: #sFilePath#" extendedinfo="full combine path list: #filePaths#" />


<cfset filePaths = sCorrectedFilePaths />

<!--- create a string to be used as an Etag - in the response header --->
<cfset etag = lastModified & '-' & hash(filePaths) />

output the etag, this allows the browser to make conditional requests
(i.e. browser says to server: only return me the file if your eTag is different to mine)
<cfif variables.bEtags>
<cfheader name="ETag" value="""#etag#""">

if the browser is doing a conditional request, then only send it the file if the browser's
etag doesn't match the server's etag (i.e. the browser's file is different to the server's)
<cfif (structKeyExists(cgi, 'HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH') and cgi.HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH contains eTag) and variables.bEtags>
<!--- nothing has changed, return nothing --->
<cfheader statuscode="304" statustext="Not Modified">
<cfheader name="Content-Length" value="0">
<cfreturn />
<!--- first time visit, or files have changed --->

<cfif variables.bCache>

<!--- try to return a cached version of the file --->
<cfset sCacheFile = variables.sCachePath & '\' & etag & '.' & sType />
<cfif fileExists(sCacheFile)>
<cffile action="read" file="#sCacheFile#" variable="sOutput" />
<!--- output contents --->
<cfset outputContent(sOutput, sType) />
<cfreturn />


<!--- combine the file contents into 1 string --->
<cfset sOutput = '' />
<cfloop from="1" to="#listLen(filePaths, sDelimiter)#" index="i">
<cffile action="read" variable="sFileContent" file="#listGetAt(filePaths,i,sDelimiter)#" />
<cfset sOutput = sOutput & variables.sOutputDelimiter & sFileContent />

// 'Minify' the javascript with jsmin
if(variables.bJsMin and sType eq 'js')
sOutput = compressJsWithJSMin(sOutput);
else if(variables.bYuiCss and sType eq 'css')
sOutput = compressCssWithYUI(sOutput);

//output contents
outputContent(sOutput, sType);

<!--- write the cache file --->
<cfif variables.bCache>
<cffile action="write" file="#sCacheFile#" output="#sOutput#" />



<cffunction name="outputContent" access="private" returnType="void" output="true">
<cfargument name="sOut" type="string" required="true" />
<cfargument name="sType" type="string" required="true" />

<cfcontent type="text/#arguments.sType#">


<!--- uses 'Scripting.FileSystemObject' com object --->
<cffunction name="getFileDateLastModified_com" access="private" returnType="string">
<cfargument name="path" type="string" required="true" />
<cfset var file = variables.fso.GetFile(arguments.path) />
<cfreturn file.DateLastModified />
<!--- uses ''. Recommended --->
<cffunction name="getFileDateLastModified_java" access="private" returnType="string">
<cfargument name="path" type="string" required="true" />
<cfset var file = variables.jFile.init(arguments.path) />
<cfreturn file.lastModified() />

<cffunction name="compressJsWithJSMin" access="private" returnType="string" hint="takes a javascript string and returns a compressed version, using JSMin">
<cfargument name="sInput" type="string" required="true" />
var sOut = arguments.sInput;

var joOutput = variables.jOutputStream.init();
var joInput = variables.jStringReader.init(sOut);
var joJSMin = variables.jJSMin.init(joInput, joOutput);

sOut = joOutput.toString();

return sOut;

<cffunction name="compressCssWithYUI" access="private" returnType="string" hint="takes a css string and returns a compressed version, using the YUI css compressor">
<cfargument name="sInput" type="string" required="true" />
var sOut = arguments.sInput;

var joInput = variables.jStringReader.init(sOut);
var joOutput = variables.jStringWriter.init();
var joYUI = variables.jYuiCssCompressor.init(joInput);

joYUI.compress(joOutput, javaCast('int',-1));
sOut = joOutput.toString();

return sOut;

<cffunction name="convertToAbsolutePaths" access="private" returnType="string" hint="takes a list of relative paths and makes them absolute, based on variables.sBaseFilePath">
<cfargument name="relativePaths" type="string" required="true" hint="commar delimited list of relative paths" />
<cfargument name="delimiter" type="string" required="false" default="," hint="the delimiter used in the provided paths string" />
// convert the relative web paths into full file paths
var absReplace = '#arguments.delimiter##variables.sBaseFilePath#\';
var filePaths = reReplaceNoCase(arguments.relativePaths, '/', '\', 'all');
filePaths = reReplaceNoCase(filePaths, '#arguments.delimiter#\\|^\\', absReplace, 'all');
// remove url params e.g. scriptaculous.js?load=effects ==> scriptaculous.js
filePaths = reReplaceNoCase(filePaths, '[\?|\&][^\#arguments.delimiter#]*', '', 'all');
return filePaths;


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