applepay-php is a PHP extension that verifies and decrypts Apple Pay payment tokens according to Apple's spec[1]. It relies on OpenSSL for all crypto operations. Currently, it serves as the backbone for Etsy's PHP-based Apple Pay token handling endpoint.
$ # Clone repo
$ git clone
$ cd applepay-php
$ # Install OpenSSL development files (>= 1.0.2 required)
$ sudo yum install openssl-devel
$ # -or- sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
$ # etc...
$ # Build extension
$ phpize && ./configure && make
$ # Optionally install
$ sudo make install
$ echo '' | sudo tee /etc/php.d/applepay.ini
$ # -or- echo '' | sudo tee -a /etc/php.ini
$ # etc...
Before running the demo, you'll need a 'Payment Processing Certificate' and a private key from Apple (referred to as merch.cer and priv.p12 below). You can generate these at Apple's Dev Center. You'll also need an example payment token generated on an end-user device and the timestamp at which it was generated. An RSA-encrypted token should look like this:
"data": "<base64>",
"header": {
"applicationData": "<hex_optional>"
"wrappedKey": "<base64>",
"publicKeyHash": "<base64>",
"transactionId": "<hex>"
"signature": "<base64>",
"version": "RSA_v1"
An ECC-encrypted token should look like this:
"data": "<base64>",
"header": {
"applicationData": "<hex_optional>"
"ephemeralPublicKey": "<base64>",
"publicKeyHash": "<base64>",
"transactionId": "<hex>"
"signature": "<base64>",
"version": "EC_v1"
For more info check out the Apple Pay Programming Guide[2].
$ # Copy in your payment processing cert and test token
$ cd examples
$ cp /secret/place/merch.cer .
$ cp /secret/place/token.json .
$ # Extract private key from cert
$ openssl pkcs12 -export -nocerts -inkey merch.key -out priv.p12 -password 'pass:'
$ # Get intermediate and root certs from Apple
$ wget -O int.cer ''
$ wget -O root.cer ''
$ # Verify chain of trust
$ openssl x509 -inform DER -in merch.cer -pubkey > pub.pem
$ openssl x509 -inform DER -in root.cer > root.pem
$ openssl x509 -inform DER -in int.cer > int_merch.pem
$ openssl x509 -inform DER -in merch.cer >> int_merch.pem
$ openssl verify -verbose -CAfile root.pem int_merch.pem # should output OK
$ # Run demo
$ cd ..
$ php -denable_dl=on -dextension=`pwd`/modules/ examples/decrypt.php -p <privkey_pass> -c examples/token.json -t <time_of_transaction>
If everything goes well you should see decrypted payment data.
- Split up library into libapplepay and a PHP wrapper
- HHVM port