Create an LVM thin pool:
lvcreate -L 10G rootvg -T thinpool
Login to master node over ssh. Enable "ext" disk template in the ganeti cluster.
git clone [email protected]:zehome/ganeti-storage-lvmthin
ln -s $(realpath ganeti-storage-lvmthin) /usr/share/ganeti/extstorage/lvmthin
Do this on every other node in the cluster too. When the installation is finished check the installation from master:
gnt-storage diagnose
When everything is fine this should show something like this:
Provider: lvm
Node: 1b5aa798-1c07-4fda-ba11-5f6ad66b857b, status: valid (path: /usr/share/ganeti/extstorage/lvmthin) [parameters: vgname, thinpool]
Node: 4cc09080-46d1-4756-b9e7-d4ce90887553, status: valid (path: /usr/share/ganeti/extstorage/lvmthin) [parameters: vgname, thinpool]
Node: 27a0c840-d08e-4ea4-8748-08f9a274c479, status: valid (path: /usr/share/ganeti/extstorage/lvmthin) [parameters: vgname, thinpool]
Node: d700d1da-2b1a-4038-ad55-643795680906, status: valid (path: /usr/share/ganeti/extstorage/lvmthin) [parameters: vgname, thinpool]
For nodegroup: default --> valid
Make sure all nodes in the cluster have access to the same volume group (check with vgs). Now create your first shared lvm instance...
gnt-instance add -t ext --disk 0:size=20G,provider=lvm,vgname=VOLUMEGROUPNAME,thinpool=THINPOOLNAME ... INSTANCE